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Material Properties Chemical Resistance Max.Temp.
PS Rigid, hard and stable, with Soluble in most solvents, but 160 °F
Polystyrene extremely good surface finish. resistant to alcohols such as
Generally low temperature range methanol, ethanol, normal
compared to other materials, UV heptanes and acetone. Most
resistance low, good chemical foods, drinks and household
resistance. fluids have no effect, but
attacked by gas, turpentine
and thinners.
PSU Good heat resistance, very high Can be used with a wide 302 °F
Polysulfone stability, self- extinguishing, range of acids, alkalis, salts,
good impact strength. Very good halogens, alcohols and
electrical properties, resistance chlorinated hydrocarbons.
to hydrolysis and microwave Not resistant to polar
permeable Poor weathering solvents.
PVC - Rigid Excellent chemical resistance Resistant to most solutions 140 °F
Unplasticized and dielectric properties, good of acids, alkalis, salts and
P o l y v i n y l tensile, flexural and mechanical organic compounds miscible
Chloride strength, low moisture with water. Not resistant to
absorption, excellent solvents, aromatics and
dimensional stability and good some chlorinated hydro-
flammability characteristics. carbons. Not recommended
for compressed air or gases.
PVDF Outstanding mechanical, Resistant to most acids, 285 °F
Polyvinylidene physical and chemical alkalis, salts, halogens,
properties, very wide operating alcohols and chlorinated
temperature range, high impact hydro fluoride carbons.
strength and thermal stability, Strong polarized solvents,
excellent abrasion resistance, such as ketones and esters,
self-extinguishing. can cause the material to
PTFE Outstanding chemical Virtually inert to most 500 °F
Polytetrafluoro- resistance, lowest dielectric chemicals and solvents.
ethylene constant and lowest coefficient
of friction of almost any solid
material. Very wide operating
temperature range.
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