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Thermoset Materials
Name Properties Applications and Uses
Phenolic Excellent dielectric strength,
(PF - Bakelite) great mechanical strength and Adhesives, casting resins,
laminating resins, electrical
dimensional stability, resistant and electronic applications,
to high heat, wear resistant,
automotive, appliance handles
low moisture absorption, can and knobs
be machined easily
Polyimides Known for thermal stability, Electronics, medical tubing,
good chemical resistance, adhesives, gears, covers,
e x c e l l e n t m e c h a n i c a l bushings, bearings, piston
properties, exhibit very low rings, valve seats, thrust
creep and high tensile washers, wear strip, in
strength, inherently resistant microelectronic applications.
to flame combustion, most
carry UL rating of VTM-0
Thermoset Low cost, high strength-to- Appliance parts, electric and
Polyester weight ratio, stability, great electrical components, HVAC
r e t e n t i o n o f p h y s i c a l components, industrial light
p r o p e r t i e s a t h i g h h o u s i n g s , a u t o m o t i v e ,
temperatures recessed lighting baffles
SMC (Sheet Resin, fibre, catalyst, fillers Electrical applications,
Molding compounded to sheet to be corrosion resistant needs,
Compound) compression molded. structural components at low
Very high volume production cost, automotive, and transit
ability, excellent part
reproducibility, and cost
BMC (Bulk Highly rigid, impact resistant, Appliance parts, electric and
Molding exceptional physical and electrical components, HVAC
Compound) aesthetic properties, high components, industrial light
strength-to-weight ratio, low housings, auto- motive,
cost recessed lighting baffles
Thermosets are recoverable. Energy recovery, feedstock recycling, grinding and reuse
are all possible options
Types of thermoset composites and reinforcement used
Fibre-reinforced plastic composite: Glass fibre, carbon fibre, Kevlar fibre, basalt fibre
Particulate microcomposite: Silica, carbon black, calcium carbonate, glass bead,
glass balloons, silicon Carbide
Nanocomposite: Nano silica, nano calcium carbonate, nano titania, nanoclay, carbon
nanofibres , carbon Nanotubes