Page 103 - Essential Haematology
P. 103

Chapter 7  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin   /  89

                       This chapter deals with inherited diseases caused by   globin  (see  Table   2.2   ).  The major component is
                      reduced or abnormal synthesis of globin. Mutations   haemoglobin A with the molecular structure  α   2   β   2  .

                      in the globin genes are the most prevalent mono-  The minor haemoglobins contain  γ  (fetal Hb or Hb
                      genic disorders worldwide and aff ect approximately   F) or  δ  (Hb A  2  ) globin chains instead of  β  chains.
                      7% of the world  s population. Th e  synthesis   In the embryo and fetus, Gower 1, Portland, Gower
                      of normal haemoglobin in the fetus and adult is   2 and fetal Hb dominate at different stages (Fig.

                      described first.                           7.1 ). The genes for the globin chains occur in two

                                                                clusters:  ε ,  γ ,  δ  and  β  on chromosome 11 and  ζ  and
                                                                  α  on chromosome 16. Two types of  γ  chain occur,
                          Haemoglobin  s ynthesis
                                                                G   γ    and A   γ   , which differ by a glycine or alanine

                        Normal adult blood contains three types of haemo-  amino acid at position 136 in the polypeptide
                         Chromosome 16                    Chromosome 11
                           HS-40  ζ    α 2    α 1             LCR    ε    G γ  A γ   δ    β
                         5'                        3'     5'                                  3'

                                 ε     ζ γ    α ε                          γ   α γ  α δ  α β
                                ζ 2 2   2 2   2 2                        α 2 2  2 2  2 2  2 2
                               Gower 1  Portland Gower 2                  F     F   A 2   A
                                      Embryo                             Fetus     Adult

                                  Yolk sac              Liver    Spleen     Bone marrow

                              50   α          γ                                  β
                            % of total globin synthesis  25  ε

                              0     ζ                                 δ
                                 0    6        18       30           6       18       30       42
                                         Prenatal age (weeks)               Postnatal age (weeks)
                       (b)                                     Birth
                                Figure 7.1   (a)  The globin gene clusters on chromosomes 16 and 11. In embryonic, fetal and adult life different

                      genes are activated or suppressed. The different globin chains are synthesized independently and then combine
                      with each other to produce the different haemoglobins. The  γ  gene may have two sequences, which code for
                      either a glutamic acid or alanine residue at position 136 (G   γ    or A   γ   , respectively). LCR, locus control region,
                      HS - 40, see text.  (b)  Synthesis of individual globin chains in prenatal and postnatal life.
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