Page 104 - Essential Haematology
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90  /  Chapter 7  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin

                    chain. Th e  α - chain gene is duplicated and both  α      A number of other conserved sequences are
                    genes ( α   1   and  α   2  ) on each chromosome are active   important in globin synthesis and mutations at
                    (Fig.  7.1 ).                             these sites may also give rise to thalassaemia. Th ese
                                                              sequences influence gene transcription, ensure its

                                                              fidelity, specify sites for the initiation and termina-

                        Molecular  a spects
                                                              tion of translation, and ensure the stability of newly
                     All the globin genes have three exons (coding   synthesized mRNA. Promoters are found 5   of the
                    regions) and two introns (non - coding regions whose   gene, either close to the initiation site or more dis-
                    DNA is not represented in the fi nished  protein).   tally. They are the sites where RNA polymerases

                    The initial RNA is transcribed from both introns   bind and catalyse gene transcription (see Fig.  1.9 ).
                    and exons, and from this transcript the RNA   Enhancers occur either 5   or 3   to the gene (Fig.
                    derived from introns is removed by a process known    7.2 ). Enhancers are important in the tissue - specifi c

                    as splicing (Fig.  7.2 ). The introns always begin with   regulation of globin gene expression and in regula-
                    a G - T dinucleotide and end with an A - G dinucle-  tion of the synthesis of the various globin chains

                    otide. The splicing machinery recognizes these   during fetal and postnatal life. The locus control

                    sequences as well as neighbouring conserved   region (LCR) is a genetic regulatory element, situ-

                    sequences. The RNA in the nucleus is also   capped ’    ated a long way upstream of the  β  - globin cluster,
                    by addition of a structure at the 5   end which con-  that controls the genetic activity of each domain,
                    tains a seven methyl - guanosine group. Th e  cap   probably by physically interacting with the pro-
                    structure may be important for attachment of the   moter region and opening up the chromatin to

                    mRNA to ribosomes. The newly formed mRNA is   allow transcription factors to bind. Th e   α  - globin
                    also polyadenylated at the 3   end (Fig.  7.2 ). Th is   gene cluster also contains an LCR - like region
                    stabilizes it. Thalassaemia may arise from mutations   termed HS40. GATA - 1, FOG and NF - E2 tran-

                    or deletions of any of these sequences.       scription factors, expressed mainly in erythroid pre-
                                                              cursors, are important in determining the expression
                                                              of globin genes in erythroid cells.
                          DNA                                     Globin mRNA enters the cytoplasm and
                                                              attaches to ribosomes (translation) where the syn-

                                                              thesis of globin chains takes place. This occurs by
                          mRNA transcript                     attachment of transfer RNAs, each with its indi-
                                                              vidual amino acid, by codon – anticodon base pairing
                                                              to an appropriate position on the mRNA
                          Splicing                            template.
                      5' cap                 poly (A)-3' tail
                                                                  Switch from  f etal to  a dult  h aemoglobin
                          Processed mRNA transcript
                      5' cap                poly (A)-3' tail
                                                               The globin genes are arranged on chromosomes 11

                                                              and 16 in the order in which they are expressed (Fig.
                                                                7.1 ). Certain embryonic haemoglobins are usually
                          Translation on ribosomes            only expressed in yolk sac erythroblasts. Th e   β  -
                                             Cytoplasm         globin gene is expressed at a low level in early fetal
                              β-globin chain                  life, but the main switch to adult haemoglobin
                                                              occurs 3 – 6 months after birth when synthesis of the
                                                                γ  chain is largely replaced by the  β  chain.  BCL11A

                              Figure 7.2   The expression of a human globin gene

                                                              is a transcriptional regulator of the switch and of
                    from transcription, excision of introns, splicing of
                    exons and translation to ribosomes. The primary   the silencing of  δ  chain synthesis in the adult. Th e
                    transcript is  ‘ capped ’  at the 5   end and a poly A tail is   methylation state of the gene (expressed genes tend
                    then added.                               to be hypomethylated, non - expressed hypermethyl-
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