Page 108 - Essential Haematology
P. 108

94  /  Chapter 7  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin

                    (a)                                                   (b)

                              Figure 7.6   (a)   α - Thalassaemia: haemoglobin H disease (three  α - globin gene deletion). The blood fi lm shows
                    marked hypochromic microcytic cells with target cells and poikilocytosis.  (b)   α - Thalassaemia: haemoglobin H

                    disease. Supravital staining with brilliant cresyl blue reveals multiple fi ne, deeply stained deposits ( ‘ golf ball ’

                    cells) caused by precipitation of aggregates of  β - globin chains. Hb H can also be detected as a fast - moving
                    band on haemoglobin electrophoresis (Fig.  7.12 ).

                                             β  IVS1-110   β  39       β  IVS2-745
                                             β  IVS1-1     β  IVS1-6   Others

                              Figure 7.7   Distribution of different mutations of  β - thalassaemia major in the Mediterranean area. IVSI, IVS2

                    intervening sequences; 1, 6, 39, 110, 745 are mutations of corresponding codons.  (Courtesy of Professor A.
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