Page 113 - Essential Haematology
P. 113

Chapter 7  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin   /  99

                      ineffective erythropoiesis. Conversely, patients with   δ  β  - fusion chain is synthesized ineffi  ciently  and

                        β - thalassaemia trait who also have excess (five or six)  normal  δ  -  and  β  - chain production is abolished. Th e

                        α  genes tend to be more anaemic than usual. Th e  homozygotes show thalassaemia intermedia and the
                      patient with thalassaemia intermedia may show  heterozygotes thalassaemia trait.
                      bone deformity, enlarged liver and spleen, extramed-

                      ullary erythropoiesis (Fig.  7.13 ) and features of iron   Hereditary  p ersistence of  f etal
                      overload caused by increased iron absorption. Iron   h aemoglobin
                      chelation with oral drugs or (gentle) venesections    These are a heterogeneous group of genetic condi-

                      may be needed to treat this. Hb H disease   tions caused by deletions or cross - overs aff ecting the
                      (three - gene  deletion   α - thalassaemia) is a type of   production of  β  and  γ  chains or, in non - deletion

                      thalassaemia intermedia without iron overload or   forms, by point mutations upstream from the  γ  -
                      extramedullary haemopoiesis.
                                                                  globin genes or in the  BCL11A gene    (see p. 90)   .

                            δ β - Thalassaemia

                                                                    Association of  β - t halassaemia  t rait with

                       This involves failure of production of both  β  and  δ    o ther  g enetic  d isorders of  h aemoglobin
                      chains. Fetal haemoglobin production is increased    The combination of  β - thalassaemia trait with Hb E

                      to 5 – 20% in the heterozygous state which resem-  trait usually causes a transfusion - dependent thalas-
                      bles thalassaemia minor haematologically. In the   saemia major syndrome, but some cases are interme-
                      homozygous state only Hb F is present and haema-  diate.  β  - Thalassaemia trait with Hb S trait produces

                      tologically the picture is of thalassaemia intermedia.   the clinical picture of sickle cell anaemia rather than
                      Haemoglobin F gives up oxygen to tissues less well   of  thalassaemia     (see  p.  104)   .   β  - Th alassaemia  trait
                      than haemoglobin A.
                                                                with Hb D trait causes a hypochromic microcytic
                                                                anaemia of varying severity.
                          Haemoglobin Lepore
                       This is an abnormal haemoglobin caused by unequal       Sickle  c ell  a naemia

                      crossing - over of the  β  and  δ  genes to produce a
                      polypeptide chain consisting of the  δ  chain at its   Sickle cell disease is a group of haemoglobin disor-
                      amino end and  β  chain at its carboxyl end. Th e  ders resulting from the inheritance of the sickle  β  -

                                Figure 7.13   β - Thalassaemia

                      intermedia: magnetic resonance
                      imaging (MRI) scan showing
                      masses of extramedullary
                      haemopoietic tissue arising from
                      the ribs (arrowed) and in the
                      paravertebral region (arrowed)
                      without encroachment of the
                      spinal cord.
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