Page 110 - Essential Haematology
P. 110

96  /  Chapter 7  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin

                      commenced in the first year of life and unless the      5   Infections can occur for a variety of reasons.

                      disease is cured by stem cell transplantantion,   In infancy, without adequate transfusion, the
                      are continued for life. Also iron absorption is   anaemic child is prone to bacterial infections.
                      increased because of low serum hepcidin levels   Pneumococcal,  Haemophilus  and meningococcal
                      because of release of GDF 15 and TWSG1 from   infections are likely if splenectomy has been
                      early red cell precursors which are increased   carried out and prophylactic penicillin is not
                      because of ineffective erythropoisis. The tests for   taken.  Yersinia enterocolitica  occurs, particularly

                      iron overload, clinical features (cardiac, hepatic   in iron - loaded patients being treated with defer-
                      and endocrine) and chelation therapy are dis-  oxamine; it may cause severe gastroenteritis. Iron
                      cussed in Chapter  4   .                  overload also predisposes to baterial infections,
                                                                e.g.  Klebsiella  and fungal infections.Transfusion
                                                                of viruses by blood transfusion may occur.
                                                                    Liver disease in thalassaemia is most fre-
                                                                quently a result of hepatitis C but hepatitis B is
                                                                also common where the virus is endemic. Human
                                                                immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been trans-

                                                                mitted to some patients by blood transfusion. As
                                                                a result of better iron chelation therapy reducing
                                                                substantially death from cardiac iron overload,
                                                                infections now account for an increasing
                                                                proportion of deaths in thalassaemia major in the
                                                                 6      Osteoporosis  may  occur  in  well - transfused
                                                                patients. It is more common in diabetic patients
                                                                with endocrine abnormalities and with marrow
                                                                expansion resulting from ineffective erythopoiesis.

                                                                  Laboratory  d iagnosis

                                                                   1      There is a severe hypochromic microcytic
                              Figure 7.10   The skull X - ray in  β - thalassaemia major.   anaemia, raised reticulocyte percentage with nor-

                    There is a  ‘ hair - on - end ’  appearance as a result of   moblasts, target cells and basophilic stippling in

                    expansion of the bone marrow into cortical bone.    the blood film (Fig.  7.11 ).

                                                                                      Figure 7.11   Blood fi lm in

                                                                              β - thalassaemia major post -

                                                                              splenectomy. There are hypochro-
                                                                            mic cells, target cells and many
                                                                            nucleated red cells (normoblasts).
                                                                            Howell – Jolly bodies are seen in
                                                                            same red cells.
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