Page 163 - Essential Haematology
P. 163

Chapter 10  Spleen  /  149

                                  ■   The normal adult spleen weighs 150 – 250   g   specialized immune function against
                           and is 5 – 13   cm in diameter. It has a   capsulated bacteria, pneumococcus,
                           specialized circulation because the     haemophilus infl uenza and meningococcus
                           majority of arterioles end in  ‘ cords ’  which   to which splenectomized patients are   SUMMARY
                           lack an endothelial lining. The blood   immunized. Splenectomy is needed for
                           re - enters the circulation via venous   splenic rupture and in some
                           sinuses. The cords and sinuses form the   haematological diseases.
                           red pulp which monitors the integrity of red         ■    Enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly)

                           blood cells.                            occurs in many malignant and benign

                              ■    The central arterioles are surrounded by   haematological diseases, in portal
                           lymphoid tissue called white pulp which is   hypertension and with systemic diseases,
                           similar in structure to a lymph node.     including acute and chronic infections.

                              ■    The spleen removes aged or abnormal red   Hyposplenism occurs in sickle cell
                           cells, and excess DNA and siderotic     anaemia, gluten - induced enteropathy and
                           granules, from intact red cells. It also has a   rarely in other diseases.

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