Page 166 - Essential Haematology
P. 166

152  /  Chapter 11  Haematological malignancy: aetiology and genetics

                                Males                           Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
                                                                Leukaemia         9%
                                       Colorectal 14%           Myeloma
                                                                Hodgkin lymphoma
                                                                Bladder 5%
                                Lung 15%                          Stomach 4%
                                                                   Oesophagus 3%
                                                                   Kidney 3%
                                                                  Melanoma 3%

                                Prostate  24%
                                                             Other 20%

                                Females                         Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
                                            Lung 11%                              7%
                                                                Hodgkin lymphoma
                                Colorectal 11%
                                                               Uterus 5%
                                                                  Ovary 5%
                                                                   Melanoma 4%
                                                                   Pancreas 3%
                                                                  Bladder 2%

                                  Breast 31%
                                                             Other 21%

                              Figure 11.2   The relative frequency of the haematological malignancies as a proportion of malignant disease.
                      (From Smith A.  et al . (2009)  Br J Haematol   148 ,739 – 53, with permission.)

                        Environmental  i nfl uences            with radiotherapy. Etoposide is associated with a
                                                              risk of the development of secondary leukaemias
                                                              associated with balanced translocations including
                      Chronic exposure to benzene is an unusual cause of   that of the  MLL  gene at 11q23.
                    myelodysplasia or AML. Other industrial solvents
                    and chemicals less commonly cause leukaemia.
                                                               Radiation, especially to the marrow, is leu-

                                                              kaemogenic. This is illustrated by an increased

                     The alkylating agents (e.g. chlorambucil, melpha-  incidence of all types of leukaemia (except CLL)
                    lan, procarbazine and nitrosoureas  –  BCNU,   in survivors of the atom bomb explosions in
                    CCNU) predispose to AML, especially if combined   Japan.
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