Page 169 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 11  Haematological malignancy: aetiology and genetics  /  155

                      control of apoptosis (e.g.  BCL - 2  which is overex-   11.4 ). Tumour - suppressor genes commonly act as
                      pressed in follicular lymphoma) (see  p. 266   ).      components of control mechanisms that regulate
                                                                entry of the cell from the G  1   phase of the cell cycle
                                                                into the S phase or passage through the S phase to
                          Tyrosine  k inases
                                                                G  2   and mitosis (see Fig.  1.8   ). Examples of onco-
                       These enzymes, which phosphorylate proteins on   genes and tumour - suppressor genes involved in

                      tyrosine residues, are important as cell receptors and   haemopoietic malignancies are shown in  Table
                      intracellular signalling. Mutations of them underlie    11.1 . The most significant tumour - suppressor gene

                      a large number of haematological malignancies (see   in human cancer is p53 which is mutated or inac-
                      Chapters  13 ,  14  and  15   ).          tivated in over 50% of cases of malignant disease,
                                                                including many haemopoietic tumours.
                          Tumour - s uppressor  g enes

                                                                    Clonal  p rogression
                       Tumour - suppressor genes may acquire loss - of - func-
                      tion mutations, usually by point mutation or dele-   Malignant cells appear to arise as a multistep process
                      tion, which lead to malignant transformation (Fig.   with acquisition of mutations in diff erent intracel-

                            Table 11.1   Some of the more frequent genetic abnormalities within haematological tumours
                        affecting the function of oncogenes.
                              Disease                      Genetic abnormality            Oncogenes involved
                            AML                          t(8; 21)                         ETO/AML1 (CBF α )
                                                           t(15; 17)                    PML, RARA
                                                           Nucleotide insertion         NPM
                                                           Mutation, ITD                FLT3
                                                           Mutation                     TET - 2
                            Secondary AML                11q 23 translocations          MLL

                            Myelodysplasia                       –   5, del (5q)          RPS 14

                                                             –   7, del (7q)             N RAS

                            CML                          t(9; 22)                       BCR - ABL1
                            Myeloproliferative           Point mutation                 JAK - 2
                                                           Point mutation               TET - 2
                            B - ALL                      t(12; 21)                      TEL/AML1
                                                           t(9; 22)                     BCR - ABL1
                                                           t(4; 11)                     AF4/MLL
                            Follicular lymphoma          t(14; 18)                      BCL2
                            Mantle cell lymphoma         t(11; 14)                      Cyclin D1
                            Burkitt lymphoma             t(8; 14)                       MYC
                            CLL                          17p deletion                   P53
                                                           11q 22 - 23 deletion         ATM

                              AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; B - ALL, B - acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; CML, chronic
                        myeloid leukaemia  ; ITD, internal tandem duplication.
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