Page 174 - Essential Haematology
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160  /  Chapter 11  Haematological malignancy: aetiology and genetics

                                                                              3' IgHC
                                        5'                      5'
                                                                C             5' IgHJ
                                     c-MYC          IgHV     IgH J
                                                                V             5'
                                        3'   8   8q-            3'  14  14q+   c-MYC
                                                      t(8;14) (q24;q32)

                              Figure 11.11   The genetic events in one of the three translocations found in Burkitt lymphoma and B - cell acute
                    lymphoblastic leukaemia. The oncogene  c - MYC  is normally located on the long arm (q) of chromosome 8. In the
                    (8; 14) translocation,  c - MYC  is translocated into close proximity to the immunoglobulin heavy - chain gene on the
                    long arm of chromosome 14. Part of the heavy - chain gene (the V region) is reciprocally translocated to
                    chromosome 8. C, constant region; IgH, immunoglobulin heavy - chain gene; J, joining region; V, variable region.

                        MicroRNAs                             (Fig.  11.12 ). This is a sensitive technique that can

                                                              detect extra copies of genetic material in both
                      Chromosomal abnormalities, both deletions and   metaphase and interphase (non - dividing) cells

                    amplifications, can result in loss or gain of short   (e.g. trisomy 12 in CLL) or, by using two diff erent
                    (micro) RNA sequences. These are normally tran-  probes, reveal chromosomal translocations (Fig.

                    scribed but not translated. MicroRNAs (miRNAs)     11.12 c) or t(9; 22) in CML (see Fig.  14.1 e ), or

                    control expression of adjacent or distally located   reduced chromosome numbers or loss of segments
                    genes. Deletion of the miR15a/miR16 - 1 locus may   (e.g. monosomy 7 or 5 in myelodysplasia) (Fig.
                    be relevant to CLL development with the common    11.12 ).
                    13q deletion and deletions of other microRNAs
                    have been described in AML and other haemato-
                    logical malignancies.                         Polymerase  c hain  r eaction
                                                               Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (see Fig.  7.23   ) can
                        Diagnostic  m ethods  u sed to  s tudy   be performed on blood or bone marrow for a

                      m alignant  c ells                      number of specific translocations such as t(9; 22)
                                                              and t(15; 17). It can also be used to detect   clonal ’
                                                              cells of B -  or T - cell lineage by immunoglobulin or
                        Karyotype  a nalysis
                                                              T - cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangement analysis.
                     Karyotype analysis involves direct morphological  As it is relatively straightforward and extremely sen-
                    analysis of chromosomes from tumour cells under  sitive (detecting one abnormal cell in 10   – 10

                    the microscope (see Fig.  14.1 ). This requires tumour  normal cells), it has become of great value in the
                    cells to be in metaphase and so cells are cultured to  diagnosis and monitoring of minimal residual
                    encourage cell division prior to chromosomal  disease (see p. 164 ).

                                                                  DNA  m icroarray  p latforms
                        Fluorescence  in  s itu   h ybridization
                      a nalysis                                 DNA microarrays allow a rapid and comprehensive
                                                              analysis of cellular transcription by hybridizing
                     Fluorescence  in situ  hybridization (FISH) analysis  labelled cellular mRNA to DNA probes which are

                    involves the use of fluorescent - labelled  genetic  immobilized on a solid support (Fig.  11.13 ).

                    probes which hybridize to specific parts of the  Oligonucleotides or complementary DNA (cDNA)
                    genome. It is possible to label each chromosome  arrays may be immobilized on the array and RNA

                    with a different combination of fl uorescent labels  from the tissue of interest is used to generate fl uo-
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