Page 171 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 11  Haematological malignancy: aetiology and genetics  /  157

                                Figure 11.6   A colour - banded karyotype from a normal male. Each chromosome pair shows an individual
                      colour - banding pattern. This involves a cross - species multiple colour chromosome banding technique. Probe
                      sets developed from the chromosomes of gibbons are combinatorially labelled and hybridized to human
                      chromosomes. The success of cross - species colour banding depends on a close homology between host and
                      human conserved DNA, divergence of repetitive DNA and a high degree of chromosomal rearrangement in the
                      host relative to the human karyotype.  (Courtesy of Dr C.J. Harrison.)

                                                                classified according to genetic change rather than

                                    3                           morphology. The types of gene abnormality include
                                 2  2                           the following (Fig.  11.8 ).
                                1                                   Point  m utation

                                    1                            This is best illustrated by the Val617Phe mutation
                                                                in the  JAK2  gene which leads to constitutive activa-
                                1   2
                                                                tion of the JAK2 protein in most cases of myelo-

                              q                                 proliferative disease (see Chapter  15 ). Mutations of
                                    1                             TET - 2,  a probable tumour - suppressor gene, occur
                                    2                           in up to 20% of myeloid neoplasms except chronic
                                                                myeloid leukaemia (CML  ) and may be an earlier
                                               Telomere         event than the  JAK2  mutation. Mutations within
                                                                the  RAS  oncogenes or p53 tumour - suppressor gene
                                    Bands                       are common in many haemopoietic malignancies.

                                                                The point mutation may involve several base pairs.
                                                                In 35% of cases of AML the  nucleophosmin   gene

                                Figure 11.7   A schematic representation of a chromo-

                                                                shows an insertion of four base pairs resulting in a
                      some. The bands may be divided into subbands
                                                                frameshift change. Internal tandem duplication or
                      according to staining pattern.
                                                                point mutations occur in the  FLT - 3  gene in 30% of
                          Genetic  a bnormalities  a ssociated   cases of AML.
                      with  h aematological  m alignancies

                       The genetic abnormalities underlying the diff erent
                      types of leukaemia and lymphoma are described   Th  ese are a characteristic feature of haematological
                      with the diseases which are themselves increasingly  malignancies and there are two main mechanisms
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