Page 225 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 15  Myeloproliferative neoplasms  /  211

                       Primary  myelofibrosis and CML are responsible   Treatment
                      for most cases of massive ( > 20   cm) splenic enlarge-

                                                                 This is usually palliative and aimed at reducing the
                      ment in the UK and North America (see  Table

                                                                effects of anaemia and splenomegaly. Blood transfu-
                       10.1   ).
                                                                sions and regular folic acid therapy are used in
                                                                severely anaemic patients. Hydroxyurea may help to
                                                                reduce splenomegaly and hypermetabolic symp-
                          Laboratory  fi ndings

                                                                toms. Trials of thalidomide, lenalidomide, azacyti-

                           1   Anaemia is usual but a normal or increased  dine and histone deacetylase inhibitors are in
                        haemoglobin level may be found in some  progress. JAK2 inhibitors (in clinical trials) reduce

                        patients.                               spleen size, and can be effective in both  JAK2
                         2      The white cell and platelet counts are frequently  mutated and wild - type cases. Danazol, an androgen

                        high at the time of presentation. Later in the  derivative, may improve anaemia in approximately
                        disease leucopenia and thrombocytopenia are  30% of patients. Erythropoietin can also be tried
                        common.                                 but may cause splenic enlargement.
                         3      A  leucoerythroblastic  blood  film is found. Th e     Splenectomy is considered for patients with

                        red cells show characteristic  ‘ tear - drop ’  poikilo-  severe symptomatic splenomegaly  –  mechanical dis-
                        cytes (Fig.  15.9 ).                    comfort, thrombocytopenia, portal hypertension,

                         4   Bone marrow is usually unobtainable by aspira-  excessive transfusion requirements or hypermeta-
                        tion.  Trephine biopsy (Fig.  15.6 b) shows a  bolic symptoms. Splenic irradiation is an alternative
                        fibrotic hypercellular marrow. Increased meg-  but usually provides relief only for 3 – 6 months.

                        akaryocytes are frequently seen. In 10% of cases  Allopurinol is indicated in virtually all patients to
                        there is increased bone formation with increased  prevent gout and urate nephropathy from hyperu-
                        bone density on X - ray.                ricaemia. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation may
                         5       JAK2  kinase is mutated in approximately 50% of  be curative for young patients.

                        cases.                                      The median survival is less than 5 years and
                         6      High  serum  urate  and  LDH  levels  refl ect  the  causes of death include heart failure, infection and
                        increased but largely ineffective turnover of hae-  leukaemic transformation. A haemoglobin level of

                        mopoietic cells.                          < 10  g/dL, a white cell count of less than 4 or greater
                         7      Transformation  to  acute  myeloid  leukaemia  than 30    ×    10  /L and the presence of abnormal chro-
                        occurs in 10 – 20% of patients.         mosomes are associated with a worse prognosis.

                                Figure 15.9   Peripheral blood fi lm
                      in primary myelofi brosis.
                      Leucoerythroblastic change with
                        ‘ tear - drop ’  cells and an
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