Page 229 - Essential Haematology
P. 229

Chapter 16  Myelodysplasia  /  215

                          Myelodysplasia ( m yelodysplastic      16.1 ). A hallmark of the disease is simultaneous
                        s yndromes)                             proliferation and apoptosis of haemopoietic cells
                                                                ( ineff ective haemopoiesis ) leading to the paradox of a

                       This is a group of clonal disorders of haemopoietic   hypercellular bone marrow but pancytopenia in
                      stem cells characterized by increasing bone marrow   peripheral blood. There is a tendency to progress to

                      failure in association with quantitative and qualita-  acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), although death
                      tive abnormalities of cells in peripheral blood (Table   often occurs before this develops.

                            Table 16.1   The World Health Organization (2008) classifi cation of myelodysplasia.

                              Subtype            Peripheral blood       Bone marrow        proportion (%)
                              Refractory cytopenia with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD)
                             Refractory anaemia       Anaemia,  < 1% blasts        Unilineage erythroid       10 – 20
                          (RA)                                      dysplasia (in  > 10% cells),
                                                                      < 5% blasts
                             Refractory          Neutropenia,  < 1% blasts        Unilineage granulocytic         < 1
                          neutropenia (RN)                          dysplasia,  < 5% blasts
                             Refractory          Thrombocytopenia,  < 1%       Unilineage megakaryocytic         < 1
                          thrombocytopenia    blasts                dysplasia,  < 5% blasts
                              Refractory anaemia with       Anaemia, no blasts     Unilineage erythroid       3 – 10%
                        ring sideroblasts                           dysplasia,  > 15% erythroid
                        (RARS)                                      precursors are ring
                                                                    sideroblasts,  < 5% blasts
                              Refractory cytopenia      Cytopenia(s),  < 1%       Multilineage dysplasia       30
                        with multilineage     blasts. No Auer rods      + / −  ring sideroblasts,
                        dysplasia (RCMD)                              < 5% blasts. No Auer rods
                              Refractory anaemia with       Cytopenia(s), 2 – 9%       Unilineage or multilineage       40
                        excess blasts type 1   blasts. No Auer rods    dysplasia, 5 – 9% blasts.
                        (RAEB - 1)                                  No Auer rods
                              Refractory anaemia with       Cytopenia(s), 5 – 19%       Unilineage or multilineage
                        excess blasts type 2   blasts  + / −  Auer rods     dysplasia, 10 – 19% blasts.
                        (RAEB - 2)                                    + / −  Auer rods
                              Myelodysplastic       Anaemia            5q31 deletion             < 5%
                        syndrome associated     Normal or high platelet     Anaemia, hypolobulated
                        with isolated del(5q)       count,  < 1% blasts    megakaryocytes,  < 5%
                              Myelodysplastic       Cytopenia(s),  < 1% blasts        Does not fi t in other       Rare
                        syndrome,                                   groups
                        unclassifi able (MDS - U)

                              Childhood          Pancytopenia            < 5% blasts           < 1%
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