Page 234 - Essential Haematology
P. 234

220  /  Chapter 16  Myelodysplasia

                                                    Step 1
                                          Determine the presence of dysplasia?

                                                    Step 2
                                            Are bone marrow blasts > 20%?

                                      Yes                           No
                                        AML                     Step 3
                                                         Are monocytes  > 1 x 10 /L?
                                           Yes                            No

                                   Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia    Step 4
                                            MDS/MP            What is the percentage of blasts?

                                   10–19%      5–9%                        < 5%

                                    RAEB 2    RAEB 1                      Step 5
                                                                  Is there del(5q) on cytogenetics?

                                                   Yes                         No
                                                   MDS del(5q)             Step 6
                                                                    What is the percentage of
                                                                       ring sideroblasts?

                                           > 15%                               < 15%

                                     Multilineage dysplasia?        Multilineage dysplasia?
                                     (2 or more cell lines with     (2 or more cell lines with
                                       > 10% dysplasia)                > 10% dysplasia)

                                   Yes               No           Yes               No
                                   Refractory   Refractory        Refractory   Refractory
                                 cytopenia with  anaemia         anaemia with   anaemia
                                  multilineage   with ring       multilineage
                                   dysplasia    sideroblasts      dysplasia

                              Figure 16.3   Approach to the diagnosis of myelodysplasia. MP, myeloproliferative.  (Based on Bennett J.M. and
                    Komrokji R.S. (2006)  Hematology   10 , Suppl 1:258 – 69.)
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