Page 233 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 16  Myelodysplasia  /  219

                      diagnosis of MDS. In a minority of cases (about   problem after multiple transfusions; iron chelation
                      20%) the marrow is hypocellular and may resemble   therapy should be started after 30 – 50 units have
                      aplastic anaemia; in others there is fi brosis.     been transfused if the anaemia and the need for
                                                                transfusion continues to be the dominant problem.
                                                                Lenalidomide is particularly effective in MDS asso-

                          Cytogenetic  a bnormalities
                                                                ciated with del(5q) where it can often reduce the
                       Cytogenetic abnormalities are more frequent in sec-  size of the del(5q) clone and reduce transfusion
                      ondary than primary MDS and most commonly   requirements. Myelosuppression is a common
                      constitute partial or total loss of chromosomes 5 or   side - eff ect.
                      7 or trisomy 8 (Table  16.2 ). Several cytogenetic     In selected patients standard or low - intensity
                      abnormalities are considered so diagnostic of MDS   allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) off ers a
                      that they allow diagnosis of MDS even in the   permanent cure.
                      absence of morphological abnormalities within
                      cells. Mutations may also be found with molecular

                                                                    High - r isk  m yelodysplastic  s yndromes
                      testing (e.g. of  TET - 2  or  N - RAS ).
                          Th e classification of MDS can be confusing and     In these patients a variety of treatments have been

                      flow charts are helpful in the approach to diagnosis   attempted to improve the overall prognosis, with
                      (Fig.  16.3 ).                            varying degrees of success.

                                                                    Single - a gent  c hemotherapy
                                                                  Hydroxyurea, clofarabine, mercaptopurine, etopo-
                        Treatment for MDS has improved signifi cantly in   side or low - dose cytosine arabinoside may be given

                      recent years. A key subdivision is into patients with   with some benefit to patients with refractory
                      low risk or high risk disease. An International   anaemia with excess blasts (RAEB).
                      Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) classifi es  the

                      patients according to percentage of marrow blasts,         DNA   m ethyl - t ransferase  i nhibitors
                      type of karyotype abnormality, and number and    5 - Azacytidine   (azacitidine)   and   5 - aza - 2   -
                      severity of cytopenias (Table  16.3 ).     deoxycitidine (decitabine) improve blood counts in
                                                                a minority of high risk MDS patients. Azacitidine
                                                                is given for 7 days every month and improves sur-

                          Low - r isk  m yelodysplastic  s yndromes
                                                                vival by approximately 9 months.
                        Patients with less than 5% of blasts in the marrow
                      and only one cytopenia and favourable cytogenetics       Intensive  c hemotherapy
                      are defined as having low - grade MDS. Intensive     Chemotherapy as given in AML (see p. 183 ) may

                      chemotherapy is rarely used for these patients.   be tried in high - risk patients. Although the majority
                      Instead they are not treated or, if necessary, attempts   of patients may obtain a remission, relapse is almost
                      may be made to improve marrow function with   inevitable and frequently occurs within a few

                      haemopoietic growth factors, either singly or in   months. The risks of intensive chemotherapy are
                      combination. Erythropoietin may improve anaemia   great because prolonged pancytopenia may occur in
                      although the haemoglobin should not be raised   some cases without normal haemopoietic regenera-
                      above 12   g/dL. G - CSF shows synergy with erythro-  tion, presumably because normal stem cells are not
                      poietin and may increase the response rate.   present.
                      Ciclosporin or antilymphocyte globulin occasion-
                      ally help, particularly for those with a hypocellular       Stem  c ell  t ransplantation

                      bone marrow.                               SCT offers the prospect of complete cure for MDS
                           Tranfusion support with red cells and platelets   and the advent of non - myeloablative conditioning
                      as well as appropriate use of antibiotics is often   is increasing the age range of patients that may be
                      required. In the long term, iron overload may be a   treated. SCT is usually carried out in MDS without
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