Page 235 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 16  Myelodysplasia  /  221

                      a complete remission being first obtained with   plasia in other lineages and negative for the BCR -
                      chemotherapy, although in high - risk cases initial    ABL1 translocation. The total white cell count is


                      chemotherapy may be tried to reduce the blast pro-  usually raised and may exceed 100  ×    10  /L. Patients

                      portion and the risk of recurrence of the MDS.     may develop skin rashes and around half have
                                                                splenomegaly. Bruising is frequent and gum hyper-
                          General  s upport  c are  o nly       trophy and lymphadenopathy may also be present.
                       This is most suitable in elderly patients with other     TET - 2  mutations are frequent. Treatment is diffi  -

                      major medical problems. Transfusions of red cells   cult although oral hydroxyurea or etoposide may be
                      and platelets, and therapy with antibiotics and anti-  useful. SCT may be tried in younger patients.
                      fungals, are given as needed.             Median survival is approximately 2 years, with
                                                                increased marrow blasts a predictor of poor outcome.
                          Myelodysplastic/ m yeloproliferative
                        n eoplasms                                  Atypical  c hronic  m yeloid  l eukaemia

                        A group of disorders are classified between myelo-   These patients have an increased white cell count

                      dysplasia and myeloproliferative disorders as they   with mainly granulocytes and granulocyte precur-
                      show the presence of dysplastic features but also   sors in the blood and hypercellular bone marrow
                      increased number of circulating cells in one or more   but the Philadelphia chromosome and  BCR - ABL1

                      lineage (Table  16.4 ). There are some common clini-  fusion gene are not present. There are usually some

                      cal and genetic features between these disorders.   morphological features in the blood or bone marrow
                      Mutations of the  TET2  tumour suppressor gene on   of myelodysplasia.  Treatment is diffi  cult  and  the
                      chromosome 4 are found in about 20% of cases,   outlook is poor.
                      and of  JAK2  in a smaller proportion.
                                                                    Juvenile  m yelomonocytic  l eukaemia
                          Chronic  m yelomonocytic  l eukaemia
                                                                 This presents in the first 4 years of life and has

                       This is defined by a persistent monocytosis of   features of both myelodysplasia and a myeloprolif-


                        > 1.0    ×    10  /L with blasts  < 20% in the marrow, dys-  erative disease. There is often an eczematous, skin
                            Table 16.4   Classifi cation of myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms.

                                                    Diagnostic features

                            Chronic myelomonocytic       Monocytosis  > 1    ×   10  /L
                            Atypical chronic myeloid       WBC  > 13    ×   10  /L

                        leukaemia                   BCR - ABL1  absent
                            BCR - ABL1  negative
                            Juvenile myelomonocytic
                        neoplasm, unclassifi able

                            Refractory anaemia with ring   Platelet count  > 450    ×   10  /L
                        sideroblasts associated     Large atypical megakaryocytes
                        with marked
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