Page 240 - Essential Haematology
P. 240

226  /  Chapter 17  Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia


                                                                                      Figure 17.2   Chest X - ray of a boy

                                                                            aged 16 years with acute
                                                                            lymphoblastic leukaemia (T - ALL).
                                                                              (a)  There is a large mediastinal
                                                                            mass caused by thymic enlarge-
                                                                            ment at presentation.  (b)  After 1
                                                                            week of therapy with pred-
                                                                            nisolone, vincristine and dauno-
                    (b)                                                     rubicin the mass has resolved.

                    Identification of the immunoglobulin or  T - cell     Lumbar puncture for cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF)

                    receptor (TCR) gene rearrangement, (aberrant)   examination is not generally performed as it may
                    immunophenotype and molecular genetics of the   promote the spread of tumour cells to the CNS.
                    tumour cells is important to determine treatment   Biochemical tests may reveal a raised serum uric
                    and to detect minimal residual disease (MRD)   acid, serum lactate dehydrogenase or, less com-
                    during follow - up.                       monly, hypercalcaemia. Liver and renal function
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