Page 243 - Essential Haematology
P. 243

Chapter 17  Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia  /  229

                                Figure 17.5   The molecular basis of
                      activation of NOTCH signalling in
                      T - ALL.  (a)  The molecular basis of
                      NOTCH signalling. NOTCH is     or jagged
                      expressed at the cell membrane and
                      after binding to a ligand (Delta - like or
                      Jagged) on a neighbouring cell, the
                                                     NOTCH 1
                      protein is cleaved in two places  –  fi rst                                     1
                      by extracellular ADAM 10 and then by
                      an intracellular  γ - secretase complex.     ADAM 10                             2

                      The portion of intracellular NOTCH
                      that is released is then translocated to
                      the nucleus where it leads to
                      activation of NOTCH1 target genes.
                        (b)  Several types of genetic abnor-
                      malities are seen in the NOTCH               γ-secretase
                      signalling pathway in patients with   ICN    cleavage
                      T - ALL. These include (1) mutations
                      in the extracellular cleavage site,
                      (2) insertion of an internal tandem
                      duplications in the juxtamembrane
                      region or (3) deletion of the intracel-
                      lular PEST domain. The net result of
                      all these mutations is to increase the                     Transcription of
                      rate of cleavage and nuclear                               NOTCH 1 target genes
                      translocation of the NOTCH domain.

                      support and prevention of tumour lysis syndrome.  chromosomal translocation involving the  MLL
                      Any episode of fever must be treated promptly.     gene in 80% of cases and is treated by unique
                          Specifi c  t herapy of  ALL  in  c hildren
                                                                    Minimal  r esidual  d isease
                       Specific therapy of ALL is with chemotherapy and

                      sometimes radiotherapy (Fig.  17.6 ), and treatment   Even when the blood and bone marrow appear to

                      protocols are extremely complex. There are several  be clear of leukaemia, small numbers of tumour
                      phases in a treatment course which usually has four  cells may sometimes be detected by fl uorescence
                      components  (Fig.   17.6 ).  The protocols are  risk  activated cell sorter (FACS  ) analysis or molecular

                      adjusted  to reduce the treatment given to patients  methods (see page 164, Fig.  17.7 ). A positive result
                      with good prognosis. The factors that guide treat-  indicates  minimal residual disease  (MRD) and the

                      ment include age, gender and white cell count at  analysis of children for the presence of MRD at day

                      presentation. The initial response to therapy is also  29 or adults at 3 months of treatment has prognos-

                      important as slow clearance of blood or marrow  tic significance and is being used in planning
                      blasts after a week or two of induction therapy or  therapy (see below) (Fig.  17.8 ).
                      persistence of MRD (see below) is associated with
                      a relatively high risk of relapse. ALL in infants ( < 1   Remission  i nduction

                      year) has a worse clinical outcome with cure rates   At presentation, the patient with acute leukaemia
                      of only 20 – 50%. The disease is associated with  has a very high tumour burden and is at great risk
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