Page 247 - Essential Haematology
P. 247

Chapter 17  Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia  /  233

                      Allogeneic SCT is playing an increasingly impor-  gene. As such, allogeneic SCT is recommended
                      tant role for ALL in adults and many patients are  wherever possible once remission has been obtained.
                      treated with this if a suitable sibling or matched  Second generation TKIs are now in use but their
                      unrelated donor is available.             long - term value is uncertain at present.

                          Treatment of  BCR - ABL 1  p ositive  ALL         Prognosis

                       The introduction of imatinib and other tyrosine   There is a great variation in the chance of individual

                      kinase inhibitors (TKIs) has transformed the man-  patients achieving a long - term cure based on a
                      agement of patients with BCR - ABL1 +  (Ph + ) ALL.  number of biological variables (Table  17.4 ).
                      Imatinib may be used alone or in combination with  Approximately 25% of children relapse after fi rst -
                      chemotherapy and is able to obtain remission of the   line therapy and need further treatment but overall
                      disease in most patients. However, relapse is very  85% of children can expect to be cured. Th e cure

                      common because of the appearance of resistant sub-  rate in adults drops significantly to less than 5%
                      clones containing mutations in the  BCR - ABL1   over the age of 70 years.

                                  ■   Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is   have a good prognosis whereas

                           caused by an accumulation of              hypodiploid  cases ( < 44 chromosomes)
                           lymphoblasts in the bone marrow. It is the   carry a poor prognosis.
                           most common malignant disease of           ■    Treatment protocols for ALL are extremely   SUMMARY

                           childhood  –  75% of cases occur before the   complex and usually have four
                           age of 6 years. Eighty - fi ve per cent of   components  –  remission induction,
                           cases are of B - cell lineage with the rest   intensifi cation, CNS - directed therapy and
                           being of T - cell lineage.              maintenance.
                              ■    The fi rst genetic mutation occurs in many         ■    Treatment is  risk adjusted  to reduce the

                           cases  in utero , with a secondary genetic   treatment given to patients with good
                           event occurring later in childhood, possibly   prognosis. This is based on age, gender,
                           as a reaction to an infection.          white cell count and cytogenetics at
                              ■    The clinical presentation is with the   presentation.

                           features of bone marrow failure (anaemia,         ■    Small numbers of tumour cells may
                           infection and bleeding) together with   sometimes be detected by FACS or
                           symptoms of tissue infi ltration by tumour   molecular analysis even when the blood
                           cells, leading to bone pain or swollen   and bone marrow appear to be clear of
                           lymph nodes.                            leukaemia. This  minimal residual disease

                              ■    Diagnosis is by examination of blood and   has prognostic signifi cance and is used in

                           bone marrow. Important tests include    planning therapy.

                           microscopic examination of the tumour         ■    If relapse occurs during chemotherapy the
                           cells, immunophenotyping and genetic    outlook is poor but if it happens after years
                           analysis.                               off all treatment the outlook is better.

                              ■    ALL is subclassifi ed according to the   Further chemotherapy and allogeneic SCT
                           underlying genetic defect and a wide    should be considered.
                           variety of genetic lesions are seen. The         ■    Overall, 85% of children can now expect to

                           number of chromosomes in the tumour cell   be cured. The cure rate in adults drops
                           has prognostic importance:  Hyperdiploid     signifi cantly to less than 5% over the age
                           cells have  > 50 chromosomes and generally   of 70 years.
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