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Chapter 18  Chronic lymphoid leukaemias  /  237

                        IgD). This is shown to be monoclonal because of  11q23 (aff ecting the  ATM  gene), structural

                        expression of only one form of light chain ( κ  or  abnormalities of 17p involving the p53 gene and
                          λ ;  Table  18.2 ). Characteristically, the cells are  6q21 deletion. Th  ese abnormalities carry prognostic
                        also surface CD5   and CD23   but are CD79b    signifi cance (Table  18.3 ). Th  e 13q14 deletion leads
                        and FMC7   (Fig.  18.4 ).               to loss of microRNAs which normally control
                         3      Normochromic normocytic anaemia is present in  expression of proteins that regulate B - cell survival
                        later stages as a result of marrow infi ltration or  (see p. 160  ).
                        hypersplenism. Autoimmune haemolysis may
                        also occur (see below). Th rombocytopenia occurs   Somatic  h ypermutation of the

                        in many patients.                         i mmunoglobulin  g enes
                         4      Bone  marrow  aspiration  shows  lymphocytic   When B cells recognize antigen in the germinal
                        replacement of normal marrow elements.  centre of secondary lymphoid tissues they undergo
                        Lymphocytes comprise 25 – 95% of all the cells.  a process called  somatic hypermutation  in which

                        Trephine biopsy reveals nodular, diffuse or inter-  random mutations occur in the immunoglobulin
                        stitial involvement by lymphocytes (Fig.  18.5 ).     heavy - chain gene. In CLL, the  IGVH  gene shows
                         5      Reduced concentrations of serum immunoglob-  evidence of this hypermutation in approximately
                        ulins are found and this becomes more marked  50% of cases whereas in the other cases the  VH
                        with advanced disease. Rarely, a paraprotein is  genes are unmutated. CLL with unmutated immu-
                        present.                                noglobulin genes has an unfavourable prognosis
                         6      Autoimmunity directed against cells of the hae-  (Table  18.3 ).
                        mopoietic system is common. Autoimmune
                        haemolytic anaemia is most frequent but immune   Tumour  c ell  p henotype

                        thrombocytopenia (see  p. 334 ) , neutropenia and   ZAP - 70 is a protein tyrosine kinase that is

                        red cell aplasia are also seen.           involved in cell signalling following recognition
                                                                of antigen by antigen receptors on lymphocytes.
                                                                Its expression is normally restricted to T cells but
                          Prognostic  m arkers
                                                                it is also aberrantly expressed in cases of CLL where
                          Cytogenetics                          it is associated with an unfavourable clinical
                       The most common chromosome abnormalities  outcome. Strong expression of CD38 also is an

                      are deletion of 13q14, trisomy 12, deletions at  unfavourable prognostic feature.


                            Table 18.2   Immunophenotype of the chronic  B - cell leukaemias/lymphomas (all cases  CD 19  ).
                                                  CLL           PLL           HCL           FL           MCL

                            SIg               Weak              + +         + +           + +          +

                            CD5                   +           −             −             −            +
                            CD22/FMC7             −           +             +             +            + +

                            CD23                  +           −             −             −            −

                            CD79b                 −           + +           − / +         + +          + +

                            CD103 *               − / +         −           +             −            −
                              CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; FL, follicular lymphoma; HCL, hairy cell leukaemia; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma; PLL,
                        prolymphocytic leukaemia.

                              *   CD103 is positive only in HCL.
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