Page 256 - Essential Haematology
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242  /  Chapter 18  Chronic lymphoid leukaemias

                    (a)                                       (b)

                              Figure 18.7   Hairy cell leukaemia:  (a)  peripheral blood fi lm showing typical  ‘ hairy ’  cells with oval nuclei and
                    fi nely mottled pale grey – blue cytoplasm with an irregular edge;  (b)  bone marrow trephine.

                    entation and the lymphocyte count is rarely over     Lymphocytosis may also be seen in other types
                    20    ×    10  /L. Monocytopenia is a distinctive feature.   of non - Hodgkin lymphoma (e.g. follicular, mantle

                    The blood film reveals a variable number of unusual   cell, diffuse large B cell) and are discussed further
                    large lymphocytes with villous cytoplasmic projec-  in Chapter  20   .
                    tions (Fig.  18.7 ). Immunophenotyping shows
                    CD22, FMC7 and CD103 positivity in most cases

                    (Table   18.2 ).  The hairy cells stain for tartrate -      T - c ell  d iseases

                     resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). Th e  bone
                    marrow trephine shows a characteristic appearance       T - c ell  p rolymphocytic  l eukaemia

                    of mild fibrosis and a diffuse cellular infi ltrate

                                                               This presents as B - PLL with a high white cell count
                    (Fig.  18.7 ).
                                                              but lymphadenopathy is more marked and skin
                       There are several effective treatments for HCL

                                                              lesions and serous effusions are common. Most are

                    and a patient can expect a long - term remission. Th e     +
                                                              CD4  .
                    treatment of choice is 2 - chlorodeoxyadenosine
                    (CDA) or deoxycoformycin (DCF) and both
                    agents achieve responses in over 90% of cases. In
                                                                  Large  g ranular  l ymphocytic  l eukaemia
                    two - thirds of cases no relapse occurs, even after
                    5 – 10 years. HCL was one of the fi rst  diseases    Large granular lymphocytic leukaemia (LGL - L) is
                    in which  α  - interferon was shown to be eff ective   characterized by the presence of circulating lym-
                    and it remains an excellent treatment. Th ese   phocytes with abundant cytoplasm and large
                    drugs have largely replaced the need for splenec-  azurophilic granules (Fig.  18.8 a). Such cells may
                    tomy or combination chemotherapy. Rituximab   be either  T or natural killer (NK) cells and
                    can be combined with CDA or DCF for relapsed   show variable expression of CD16, CD56 and
                    cases.                                    CD57. Cytopenia, especially neutropenia, is the
                                                              main clinical problem although anaemia, splenom-
                                                              egaly and arthropathy with positive serology
                        Lymphocytosis in  n on - Hodgkin
                      l ymphomas                              for rheumatoid arthritis are also common. Th e
                                                              mean age is 50 years. Treatment may not be needed
                      Some cases of splenic marginal zone lymphoma   but, if required, steroids, cyclophosphamide,
                    show circulating monoclonal B lymphocytes with a   ciclosporin or methotrexate may relieve the
                    villous cell outline and were previously termed   cytopenia. Granulocyte colony - stimulating factor
                      ‘ splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes ’  (see   (G - CSF) has been used in cases associated with
                    p. 265  )  .                              neutropenia.
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