Page 255 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 18  Chronic lymphoid leukaemias  /  241

                        prednisolone (CHOP) with rituximab is some-  disease and recurrent infection. The disease may
                        times used in late - stage cases.       transform into a localized high - grade lymphoma

                         •       Bendamustine    is both an alkylating agent and   (Richter  s transformation) or there may be the
                        purine analogue. In trials it is combined with   appearance of an increasing number of prolym-
                        rituximab.                              phocytes that are resistant to treatment.

                         •       Ciclosporin     Red cell aplasia may respond to

                                                                    B - c ell  p rolymphocytic  l eukaemia
                         •       Splenectomy      This is generally reserved for those

                        patients with immune - mediated cytopenias that    Although prolymphocytic leukaemia (PLL) may
                        do not respond to short courses of steroids or   initially appear similar to CLL, the diagnosis is
                        those with painful bulky enlargement of the   made by the appearance of a majority of prolym-

                        spleen not responding to other therapy.     phocytes in the blood. The prolymphocyte is around
                         •       Immunoglobulin  replacement      Immunoglobulin   twice the size of a CLL lymphocyte and has a large
                        (e.g. 400  mg/kg/month by intravenous infusion)   central nucleolus (Fig.  18.6 ). B - cell PLL is three

                        is useful for patients with hypogammaglobulinae-  times more common than T - cell PLL.
                        mia and recurrent infections, especially during    PLL and CLL also differ in their clinical features.

                        winter months.                          PLL typically presents with splenomegaly without
                         •       Stem cell transplantation      This is currently an   lymphadenopathy and with a high and rapidly rising

                        experimental approach in younger patients.   lymphocyte count. Anaemia is a poor prognostic

                        Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) may   feature. Treatment is difficult in PLL. Splenectomy

                        be curative but has a high mortality rate.             is usually of benefit and purine nucleoside analogues,
                                                                rituximab or alemtuzumab may help.
                          Course of  d isease
                                                                    Hairy  c ell  l eukaemia
                       Many patients in Binet stage A or Rai stage 0 or I
                      never need therapy and this is particularly likely for    Hairy cell leukaemia (HCL) is an uncommon
                      those with favourable prognostic markers (Table   B-cell  lymphoproliferative  disease  with  a

                       18.3 ). For those who do need treatment a typical   male   :  female ratio of 4  :  1 and a peak incidence at

                      pattern is that of a disease that is responsive to   40 – 60 years. Patients typically present with infec-
                      several courses of chemotherapy before the gradual   tions, anaemia or splenomegaly. Lymphadenopathy
                      onset of extensive bone marrow infi ltration, bulky   is very uncommon. Pancytopenia is usual at pres-

                                Figure 18.6   Prolymphocytic
                      leukaemia: blood fi lm showing
                      prolymphocytes that have
                      prominent central nucleoli and an
                      abundance of pale cytoplasm.
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