Page 254 - Essential Haematology
P. 254

240  /  Chapter 18  Chronic lymphoid leukaemias

                         Table 18.4   Staging of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia ( CLL ).

                           (a) Rai classifi cation
                         0               Absolute lymphocytosis  > 15    ×   10  /L

                         I               As stage 0  +  enlarged lymph nodes (adenopathy)

                         II              As stage 0  +  enlarged liver and/or spleen    ±   adenopathy
                         III             As stage 0  +  anaemia (Hb  < 10.0   g/dL)     ±   adenopathy    ±   organomegaly


                         IV              As stage 0  +  thrombocytopenia (platelets  < 100   ×   10  /L)     ±   adenopathy    ±   organomegaly

                           (b) International Working Party classifi cation

                           Stage         Organ enlargement *           Haemoglobin   (g/dL)             Platelets   ( ×  10  /L)

                         A (50 – 60%)     0, 1 or 2 areas
                         B (30%)       3, 4 or 5 areas             ≥ 10                   ≥ 100
                         C ( < 20%)         Not considered          < 10                and/or  < 100
                             *   One area  =  lymph nodes  > 1   cm in neck, axillae, groins or spleen, or liver enlargement.


                             Secondary causes of anaemia (e.g. iron defi ciency) or autoimmune haemolytic anaemia or autoimmune thrombocytopenia
                     must be treated before staging.
                         Source : (b) Binet J.L.  et al . (1981)  Cancer   48 , 198.

                    not effective in patients who are resistant to R - FC.   haemoglobin levels. The peripheral lymphocyte

                    Combination therapy with rituximab is being   count initially rises as infiltrated organs shrink, but
                    explored.                                 later the count falls. High dose steroid therapy is
                                                              valuable in patients with 17q deletion and may be
                        Monoclonal  a ntibodies               given in combination with alemtuzumab where it
                      Rituximab (anti - CD20) is valuable in combination   can be effective in reducing lymphadenopathy or

                    with chemotherapy and for treatment of autoim-  splenomegaly. Corticosteroids are also indicated in
                    mune cytopenias. Alemtuzumab (anti - CD52) is a   autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytope-
                    monoclonal antibody that is highly eff ective  at   nia and red cell aplasia.
                    killing B and T lymphocytes by complement fi xa-     Lenalidomide  is a thalidomide derivative (see p.
                    tion. It is given intravenously or subcutaneously   175  )   and has therapeutic activity in CLL. Initial
                    over several weeks either alone or with corticoster-  treatment is sometimes associated with a disease
                    oids and is valuable in resistant and relapsed disease.    ‘ flare ’  at affected tissue sites and the mechanism of

                    It is also being tested for a potential role in killing   action is uncertain.
                    residual leukaemia cells after R - FC treatment has      Bendamustine  related to alkylating and anti-
                    been completed. It is highly immunosuppressive   purine drugs is also in trials.
                    and antibacterial and antiviral prophylaxis is needed.
                    Another anti - CD20 antibody of atumumab and an       Other  f orms of  t reatment
                    anti - CD23, lumiliximab are in trial.          •       Radiotherapy      This is valuable in reducing the size

                                                               of bulky lymph node groups that are unrespon-
                        Corticosteroids                        sive to chemotherapy. Radiotherapy to the spleen
                     Patients in bone marrow failure may be treated   may be valuable in late - stage disease.

                    initially with prednisolone alone until there is      •       Combination chemotherapy     Cyclophosphamide,

                    significant recovery of the platelet, neutrophil and   hydroxodaunorubicin, oncovin (vincristine) and
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