Page 257 - Essential Haematology
P. 257

Chapter 18  Chronic lymphoid leukaemias  /  243

                      (a)                                             (b)

                                Figure 18.8   (a)  Large granular lymphocytes in the peripheral blood.  (b)  Adult T - cell leukaemia/lymphoma.

                      Typical convoluted lymphoid cells in peripheral blood.

                          Adult T - c ell  l eukaemia/lymphoma   voluted  ‘ clover - leaf ’  nucleus and a consistent CD4
                                                                phenotype (Fig.  18.8 b).
                       Adult T - cell leukaemia/lymphoma (ATLL) was the     Most subjects infected with the virus do not

                      first malignancy to be associated with a human ret-  develop the disease. The clinical presentation is

                      rovirus, human  T - cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus   often acute and dominated by hypercalcaemia, skin

                      type 1 (HTLV - 1). The virus is endemic in parts of   lesions, hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopa-
                      Japan and the Caribbean and the disease is very rare   thy. Diagnosis is by morphology and serology and
                      in people who have not lived in these areas. ATLL   although combination chemotherapy may be tried
                      lymphocytes have a bizarre morphology with a con-  the prognosis is poor.

                                  ■   Chronic lymphocytic leukaemias are         ■    Immunosuppression is a signifi cant
                           characterized by the accumulation of    problem because of
                           mature B or T lymphocytes in the        hypogammaglobulinaemia and cellular
                           blood.                                  immune dysfunction.
                              ■    Individual subtypes are distinguished on         ■    Anaemia may also develop because of   SUMMARY

                           the basis of morphology,                autoimmune haemolysis and bone marrow
                           immunophenotype and cytogenetics.       infi ltration.

                              ■    Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL, B         ■    Diagnosis is usually performed by

                           cell) represents 90% of cases and has a   immunophenotypic analysis of peripheral
                           peak incidence between 60 and 80 years   blood which reveals a clonal population of
                           of age. There is genetic predisposition to   CD5  , CD23   B cells.
                           development of the disease.                ■    The best guide to prognosis is the stage of

                              ■    Most cases are identifi ed when a routine   the disease. In addition, tumours that have

                           blood test is performed. As the disease   acquired somatic mutations in the
                           progresses the patient can develop      immunoglobulin genes have a relatively
                           enlarged lymph nodes, splenomegaly and   good prognosis.
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