Page 261 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 19  Hodgkin lymphoma  /  247

                           (c)      Alcohol - induced   pain   in   the   areas
                                                                      Host response     The malignant cell
                            where disease is present occurs in some                     (Reed–Sternberg)
                                                                            Plasma cell
                           (d)      Other  constitutional  symptoms  include
                            weight loss, profuse sweating (especially at
                            night), weakness, fatigue, anorexia and
                            cachexia. Haematological and infectious   Lymphocyte
                            complications are discussed below.

                          Haematological and  b iochemical
                        fi ndings

                           1      Normochromic  normocytic  anaemia  is  most
                        common. Bone marrow involvement is unusual
                        in early disease but if it occurs bone marrow   Hodgkin
                        failure may develop with a leucoerythroblastic   cell
                        anaemia.                                                           Histiocyte
                         2      One - third of patients have a neutrophilia; eosi-
                        nophilia is frequent.

                         3   Advanced disease is associated with lymphopenia             Figure 19.2   Diagrammatic representation of the

                        and loss of cell - mediated immunity.    different cells seen histologically in Hodgkin

                         4      The platelet count is normal or increased during   lymphoma.
                        early disease, and reduced in later stages.
                         5      The erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C - reactive

                        protein are usually raised and are useful in moni-
                                                                nosis. Nodular sclerosis and mixed cellularity are
                        toring disease progress.
                                                                most frequent. Patients with lymphocyte rich his-
                         6      Serum lactate dehydrogenase is raised initially in
                                                                tology have the most favourable prognosis of classic
                        30 – 40% of cases.
                                                                Hodgkin lymphoma. Nodular lymphocyte predom-
                                                                inant does not show RS cells and has many features
                          Diagnosis and  h istological          of non - Hodgkin lymphoma and may be treated as
                        c lassifi cation
                       The diagnosis is made by histological examination       Clinical  s taging

                      of an excised lymph node. The distinctive multinu-

                      cleate polyploid RS cell is central to the diagnosis    The selection of appropriate treatment depends on
                      of the four classic types (Figs  19.2  and  19.3 ) and   accurate staging of the extent of disease (Table
                      mononuclear Hodgkin cells are also part of the     19.2 ). Figure  19.4  shows the scheme that is used.
                      malignant clone. These cells stain with CD30 and   Staging is performed by thorough clinical examina-

                      CD15 but are usually negative for B - cell antigen   tion together with chest X - ray (Fig.  19.5 ) and CT
                      expression. Inflammatory components consist of   scan to detect intrathoracic, intra - abdominal or

                      lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells   pelvic disease (Fig.  19.6 ). It is also used to monitor
                      and variable fibrosis. CD68 detects infi ltrating mac-  response to therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging

                      rophages and, if strongly positive, is an unfavoura-  (MRI) scanning may be needed for particular sites
                      ble feature.                              (Table  19.2 ). Bone marrow trephine is sometimes

                          Histological  classification is into four classic   carried out and liver biopsy may be needed in dif-
                      types and nodular lymphocyte predominant disease   ficult cases. Positron emission tomography (PET)

                      (Table  19.1 ), each of which implies a diff erent prog-  scanning is also useful in staging and is combined
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