Page 246 - Essential Haematology
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232  /  Chapter 17  Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

                    sone is added at monthly or 3 - monthly (in adults)       Specifi c  t herapy of  ALL  in  a dults

                    intervals. The value of tests for MRD at the end of
                    induction or during consolidation is being explored     Treatment for ALL in adults has proven challenging
                    in trials in which the intensity of consolidation   compared to the great successes that have been

                    or maintenance therapy is reduced in those who   observed in childhood therapy. The initial control
                    rapidly become MRD negative, whereas more   of the leukaemia (remission induction) is compara-
                    intensified therapy, or even stem cell transplantation   ble in both groups but the rate of disease relapse is

                    (SCT), is given to those with persistent MRD.   much higher in adults. Although cure rates in chil-

                    There is a high risk of varicella or measles during   dren now approach 90%, no more than 40% of
                    maintenance therapy in children who lack immu-  adult patients remain free of leukaemia after 5 years
                    nity to these viruses. If exposure to these infections   and this rate is much lower in older patients. A

                    occurs, prophylactic immunoglobulin should be   significant factor is that the genetic subtypes of the

                    given. In addition, oral co - trimoxazole is given to   ALL differ according to age. Hyperdiploidy and
                    reduce the risk of  Pneumocystis carinii .     t(12; 21), which carry a good prognosis and together
                                                              make up 50% of childhood cases, are both rare in
                                                              adult patients. In contrast, the presence of the
                        Treatment of  r elapse
                                                              Philadelphia chromosome (Ph +  ALL) becomes
                      If relapse occurs during or soon after maintenance   more common with age (Fig.  17.4 ).
                    chemotherapy the outlook is poor. Reinduction     An additional factor that has contributed to the
                    with combination chemotherapy including novel   relatively poor outcome for ALL in adults is the
                    drugs such as clofarabine may help. Chemotherapy   lower doses of chemotherapy that have traditionally
                    is usually followed, where possible, by allogeneic   been used in adult patients. This is now being

                    SCT. If relapse occurs after years off  all therapy the   addressed in younger adult patients where high
                    outlook is better and reinduction, consolidation   intensity chemotherapy regimens are being intro-

                    and maintenance therapy are given. Allogeneic SCT   duced. The presence of MRD after 3 months or
                    may also be indicated.                    more of therapy is an unfavourable prognostic sign.

                         Table 17.4   Prognosis in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).

                                                     Good                     Poor

                         WBC                       Low                        High (e.g.  > 50    ×   10  /L)
                         Sex                       Girls                    Boys
                         Immunophenotype           B - ALL                  T - ALL (in children)
                         Age                       Child                      Adult (or infant  < 1 year)
                         Cytogenetics              Normal or hyperdiploidy;       Ph + , 11q23 rearrangements
                                                  TEL rearrangement         MLL gene rearrangement
                                                                            Hypodiploidy ( < 44 chromosomes)
                         Time to clear blasts from blood           < 1 week       > 1 week
                         Time to remission             < 4 weeks              > 4 weeks

                         CNS disease at presentation     Absent             Present
                         Minimal residual disease     Negative at 1 month       Still positive at 3 – 6 months
                                                  (children) or 3 months

                           CNS, central nervous system; Ph + , Philadelphia chromosome positive; WBC, white blood cell count.
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