Page 236 - Essential Haematology
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222  /  Chapter 16  Myelodysplasia

                    rash, hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy.   drome and neurofibromatosis, are at increased risk


                    There is a monocytosis to  > 1.0    ×    10  /L and clonal   of juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML)
                    cytogenetic change. The only curative treatment is   and mutations in the marrow of the genes  PTPN11

                    allogeneic SCT. If untreated, death usually occurs   and  NF1 , which in the germline underlie these
                    within 4 years, often from acute transformation   genetic disorders, are frequent in the bone marrow

                    with leukaemic infiltration (e.g. of the lungs).   in cases of JMML not associated with Noonan  s
                    Children with two genetic disorders, Noonan  s syn-  syndrome or neurofi bromatosis.

                 SUMMARY             ■   Myelodysplasia includes a group of clonal         ■    Scoring systems can divide patients in

                                                                They are classifi ed into eight major

                        disorders of haemopoietic stem cells that

                        lead to bone marrow failure and low blood

                                                                those with low - grade or high - grade
                        cell counts. A hallmark of the disease is

                        simultaneous proliferation and apoptosis of
                                                                    ■    Low - grade disease may not need

                        haemopoietic cells leading to the paradox

                        of a hypercellular bone marrow but
                        pancytopenia in peripheral blood. There is
                                                                lenalidomide or blood product support

                                                                may be useful when required.
                        a tendency to progress to acute myeloid   treatment. Haemopoietic growth factors,

                        leukaemia.                                  ■    High - grade myelodysplasia may be treated

                            ■    In most cases, the disease is  primary  but it   by intensive chemotherapy, demethylating
                        may be  secondary  to chemotherapy given   drugs or stem cell transplantation.
                        for treatment of another malignancy.    Allogeneic transplantation is the only

                            ■    The main clinical features of anaemia,   curative procedure.

                        infection and bleeding, are caused by         ■    Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative
                        reduction in the blood count. Most patients   neoplasms are a group of disorders
                        are over 70 years of age.               classifi ed between myelodysplasia and

                            ■    Diagnosis is made by examination of   myeloproliferative disorders and show the

                        the blood and bone marrow together      presence of dysplastic features but also
                        with genetic studies of the tumour cells.   increased number of circulating cells.
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