Page 226 - Essential Haematology
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212  /  Chapter 15  Myeloproliferative neoplasms


                      Mastocytosis is a clonal neoplastic proliferation of
                    mast cells that accumulate in one or more organ
                    systems. Mast cells (tissue basophils) are derived
                    from haemopoietic stem cells. Mature cells survive
                    for months or years in vascular tissues and most
                    organs. Systemic mastocytosis is a clonal myelopro-
                    liferative disorder involving usually the bone
                    marrow, heart, spleen, lymph nodes and skin.

                       The somatic  KIT  mutation Asp816Val is
                    detected in the majority of patients and may be
                    partly responsible for autonomous growth and
                    enhanced survival of the neoplastic mast cells. In
                    many patients this mutation is also detected in
                    other haemopoietic cells.
                        Symptoms are related to histamine and prostag-
                    landin release and include fl ushing,  pruritus,
                    abdominal pain and bronchospasm. H  1   and H  2
                    antihistamine blocking drugs are valuable. Th e skin
                    usually shows urticaria pigmentosa (Fig.  15.10 ).
                    Serum tryptase is increased and can be used to
                    monitor treatment. Interferon, chlorodeoxyadenos-
                    ine and tyrosine kinase inhibitors can be helpful. In
                    many patients the disease runs a chronic indolent
                    course. In others an aggressive course may be associ-

                    ated with acute myeloid leukaemia, mast cell             Figure 15.10   Systemic mastocytosis: female 72 years;
                    leukaemia or other haemopoietic proliferative or   widespread erythematous, confl uent plaques of
                    dysplastic conditions (see Appendix  2   ).     urticaria pigmentosa over chest, abdomen and upper
                                                              arms.  (Courtesy of Dr M. Rustin.)

                 SUMMARY             ■   Myeloproliferative neoplasms are a group         ■    Polycythaemia is defi ned as an increase in

                        of conditions arising from marrow stem
                                                                the haemoglobin concentration and the
                                                                major subdivision is into  absolute
                        cells and characterized by clonal
                                                                polycythaemia,  in which the red cell mass
                        proliferation of one or more haemopoietic
                                                                is raised, and  relative polycythaemia  in
                        components in the bone marrow. The three
                                                                which the red cell volume is normal but the
                        major subtypes are:
                                                                plasma volume is reduced.

                              polycythaemia vera (PV);

                            essential thrombocythaemia (ET); and

                            primary myelofi brosis.                    ■    Absolute polycythaemia is divided into
                                                                primary polycythaemia, known as

                            ■    These subtypes are closely related to each   polycythaemia vera (PV), or secondary
                        other and mutation of the  JAK2  gene is   polycythaemia.
                        detected in almost all patients with PV and         ■    The diagnosis of PV is made by fi nding

                        in approximately 50% of those with ET and   polycythaemia together with a  JAK2
                        primary myelofi brosis.                  mutation. It occurs in older patients and
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