Page 227 - Essential Haematology
P. 227

Chapter 15  Myeloproliferative neoplasms  /  213

                           the increase in blood viscosity leads to         ■    The predominant feature of primary
                           headaches, plethoric appearance and     myelofi brosis is a progressive generalized
                           splenomegaly.                           reactive fi brosis of the bone marrow in
                              ■    Treatment aims to maintain the   association with the development of

                           haematocrit around 0.45. Useful         haemopoiesis in the spleen and liver.
                           approaches include venesection or       Symptoms usually result from anaemia and
                           hydroxyurea and aspirin is also given.   a grossly enlarged spleen.
                             JAK2  inhibitors are being assessed in         ■    Diagnosis is made on blood fi lm, which

                           clinical trials. Survival is usually over 10   shows a leucoerythroblastic appearance,
                           years but there may be progression to   together with bone marrow biopsy and
                           leukaemia or myelofi brosis.               JAK2  mutation screen. Treatment is with

                              ■    Secondary polycythaemia can arise from   red cell transfusion. Splenectomy is
                           rare congenital causes or acquired      sometimes used and  JAK2  inhibitors
                           disorders such as lung disease or tumours   appear encouraging.

                           that secrete erythropoietin. Venesection         ■    Systemic mastocytosis is a clonal

                           may be needed.                          proliferation of mast cells with involvement

                              ■    Essential thrombocythaemia is diagnosed   of bone marrow, skin (as uticaria
                           by persistent raised platelet count in the   pigmentosa) and other organs.
                           absence of other causes.  JAK2  is mutated
                           in approximately 50% of cases.

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