Page 436 - Essential Haematology
P. 436

422  /  Chapter 30  Pregnancy and neonatal haematology

                        Clinical  f eatures of  HDN           exchange. The donor blood should be less than 5

                                                              days old, CMV - negative, irradiated and Rh
                         1        Severe disease      Intrauterine death from hydrops
                                                              D - negative and ABO compatible with the baby  s
                      fetalis (Fig.  30.7 a).
                                                              and mother  s serum. Phototherapy (exposure of the

                       2        Moderate disease     The baby is born with anaemia
                                                              infant to bright light of appropriate wavelength)
                      and jaundice and may show pallor, tachycardia,
                                                              degrades bilirubin and reduces the likelihood of
                      oedema and hepatosplenomegaly. If the uncon-
                      jugated bilirubin is not controlled and reaches
                      levels exceeding 250    μ mol/L, bile pigment depo-
                      sition in the basal ganglia may lead to  kernicterus          ABO   h aemolytic  d isease of the  n ewborn
                       –  central nervous system damage with general-
                                                                In 20% of births, a mother is ABO incompatible
                      ized spasticity and possible subsequent mental
                                                              with the fetus. Group A and group B mothers

                      deficiency, deafness and epilepsy. Th is  problem
                                                              usually have only IgM ABO antibodies. Th e major-
                      becomes acute after birth as maternal clearance
                                                              ity of cases of ABO HDN are caused by  ‘ immune ’
                      of fetal bilirubin ceases and conjugation of
                                                              IgG antibodies in group O mothers. Although 15%
                      bilirubin by the neonatal liver has not yet reached
                                                              of pregnancies in white people involve a group O
                      full activity.
                                                              mother with a group A or group B fetus, most

                       3        Mild disease     Mild anaemia with or without
                                                              mothers do not produce IgG anti - A or anti - B and
                                                              very few babies have severe enough haemolytic
                      Investigations will reveal variable anaemia with a   disease to require treatment. Exchange transfusions
                    high reticulocyte count; the baby is Rh D - positive,   are needed in only 1 in 3000 infants. Th e  mild
                    the direct antiglobulin test is positive and the serum   course of ABO HDN is partly explained by the A
                    bilirubin raised. In moderate and severe cases, many   and B antigens not being fully developed at birth
                    erythroblasts are seen in the blood film (Fig.  30.7 b)   and by partial neutralization of maternal IgG anti-

                    and this is known as  erythroblastosis fetalis .    bodies by A and B antigens on other cells, in the
                                                              plasma and tissue fl uids.
                                                                 In contrast to Rh HDN, ABO disease may be
                                                              found in the first pregnancy and may or may not

                     Exchange transfusion may be necessary; the indica-  affect subsequent pregnancies. The direct antiglobu-
                    tions for this include severe anaemia (Hb  < 10   g/dL   lin test on the infant  s cells may be negative or only
                    at birth) and severe or rapidly rising hyperbilirubi-  weakly positive. Examination of the blood fi lm
                    naemia. More than one exchange transfusion may   shows autoagglutination and spherocytosis, poly-
                    be required and 500  mL is usually suffi  cient for each   chromasia and erythroblastosis.

                 SUMMARY             ■   Pregnancy results in changes in the         ■    Serum vitamin B  12  levels fall in pregnancy

                                                                but defi ciency is rare. Platelets counts also
                        haematological systems.
                                                                fall on average by 10%, but in some

                            ■    There is a fall in haemoglobin because of
                                                                women this physiological fall may be
                        an increased plasma volume that is
                                                                severe or may be caused by immune
                        proportionally greater than a 25% increase


                        in red cell mass.
                                                                    ■    Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state with

                            ■    Iron defi ciency is frequent; folate defi ciency

                        is associated with maternal anaemia and

                                                                risk of thrombosis or disseminated
                        with neural tube defects (NTDs) in the
                                                                intravascular coagulation.
                        fetus.                                  increased levels of coagulation factors and
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