Page 439 - Essential Haematology
P. 439

Appendix 1  Normal values  /  425

                                                     Males            Females          Males and females
                            Haemoglobin            13.5 – 17.5   g/Dl     11.5 – 15.5   g/dL

                            Red cells (erythrocytes)         4.5 – 6.5    ×   10   /L     3.9 – 5.6    ×   10   /L
                            PCV (haematocrit)      40 – 52%         36 – 48%
                            MCV                                                      80 – 95   fL
                            MCH                                                      27 – 34   pg
                            MCHC                                                     20 – 35   g/dL
                            White cells (leucocytes)
                                total                                                  4.0 – 11.0    ×   10  /L

                                neutrophils                                            2.5 – 7.5    ×   10  /L

                                lymphocytes                                            1.5 – 3.5    ×   10  /L

                                monocytes                                              0.2 – 0.8    ×   10  /L


                                eosinophils                                            0.04 – 0.44    ×   10  /L
                                basophils                                              0.01 – 0.1    ×   10  /L

                            Platelets                                                  150 – 400    ×   10  /L

                            Red cell mass            30    ±   5   mL/kg     27    ±   5   mL/kg

                            Plasma volume            45    ±   5   mL/kg     45    ±   5   mL/kg

                            Serum iron                                                 10 – 30   μ mol/L

                            Total iron - binding capacity                              40 – 75   μ mol/L (2.0 – 4.0   g/L
                                                                                   as transferrin)

                            Serum ferritin  *             40 – 340   μ g/L     14 – 150   μ g/L

                            Serum vitamin B  12 *                                    160 – 925   ng/L

                                                                                   (20 – 680   pmol/L)

                            Serum folate  *                                            3.0 – 15.0   μ g/L
                                                                                   (4 – 30   nmol/L)

                            Red cell folate *                                          160 – 640   μ g/L
                                                                                   (360 – 1460   nmol/L)
                              MCH, mean corpuscular haemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration; MCV, mean corpuscular
                        volume; PCV, packed cell volume.
                              *  Normal ranges differ with different commercial kits.
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