Page 437 - Essential Haematology
P. 437

Chapter 30  Pregnancy and neonatal haematology   /  423

                              ■   Neonates have higher haemoglobin levels   Rh anti - D to RhD - negative mothers at the

                           than adults. Anaemia at birth is usually   time of exposure to RhD - positive fetal cells
                           caused by haemorrhage or immune         or blood products.

                           haemolysis.                                ■    ABO haemolytic disease of the newborn is

                              ■    Haemolytic disease of the newborn is   now more frequent. It is usually mild and

                           brought about by RhD antibodies made by   may occur in the fi rst pregnancy. It is most
                           a RhD - negative mother crossing the    frequently caused by group O mothers
                           placenta. It may cause death of the fetus   making immune IgG antibodies (which
                           (hydrops fetalis) or haemolytic anaemia. It   cross the placenta) against a group A or B
                           is now rare because of administration of   fetus.

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