Page 445 - Essential Haematology
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                      Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures, those in bold refer to tables
                      A                             organ infi ltration  224–5  treatment  183, 186–9
                      A blood group  401            pathogenesis  224             protocols  164
                        gene  399                   Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)   stratifi cation  186–7
                      abciximab, venous thrombosis  379   228, 232              WHO classifi cation  180–1,
                      ABO blood group  367, 399, 400,   ploidy  227                   427–8
                              401                   prognosis  232, 233       acute phase proteins  392, 394
                        determination  405          relapse  232, 233         acute promyelocytic leukaemia
                      ABO haemolytic disease of the   remission induction  229, 231   182–3
                              newborn  422          treatment  187, 228–9, 230,   haemorrhagic syndrome  183
                      ABO-incompatible blood  84          231–3               ADAMTS13  319, 337, 338, 339
                      aciclovir  170–1                adult therapy  232–3    adenosine triphosphate (ATP)  22,
                      actin  22                       protocols  164                  23
                      activated partial thromboplastin   acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)  binding site blocking by tyrosine
                              time (aPTT)  327, 328  FACS analysis  186               kinase inhibitors  195, 196
                        factor IX defi ciency  352  acute myeloid leukemia (AML)    S-adenosyl homocysteine  67
                        factor V Leiden mutation  365     151, 179–90, 186    S-adenosyl methionine  67
                        haemophilia A  348          classifi cation  180–1, 427–8  adhesion molecules  13
                        lupus anticoagulant  369    clinical features  181, 182, 183  adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma
                        neonates  418               CML transformation  199           (ATLL)  153, 243, 270
                        thrombophilia screening  370  cytogenetics  179, 181, 182–3  African iron overload  53
                        vitamin K defi ciency  355  diagnostic tests  180     AIDS
                      activated protein C (APC)  325  diff erentiation syndrome  183  diffuse large B-cell lymphomas

                        disseminated intravascular   genetic abnormalities  155, 159  267, 268
                              coagulation  358      haemorrhagic syndrome  183  haemophilia A  346, 348
                        resistance  364–6           immunological markers  179, 180  see also HIV infection
                      acute hyperviscosity syndrome  265  incidence  179–80   alcohol consumption
                      acute leukaemia, diagnosis  179, 180  investigations  181, 184–5, 186  haemolytic anaemia with
                      acute lymphoblastic leukaemia   minimal residual disease  187   intoxication  387
                              (ALL)  153, 224–33    molecular genetics  182–3   macrocytic anaemia  71–2
                        BCR-ABL1 positive  233      nucleophosmin gene  157   alemtuzumab  139, 140
                        classifi cation  224        outcome  189                aplastic anaemia  293
                        clinical features  224–5    patients over 70 years of age    alkylating agents, haematological
                        CNS-directed therapy  231         188–9                       malignancies  172–3, 174
                        cytogenetics  227–8         prognosis  186–7          allergic reactions, non-haemolytic to
                        diff erential diagnosis  227  prognostic factors  181         blood transfusions  407
                        incidence  224              progression from myelodysplasia    allopurinol, primary myelofi brosis
                        investigations  225–7             215                         211
                        maintenance therapy  231–2  relapse treatment  189    aminocaproic acid  332
                        minimal residual disease  229,   stem cell transplantation  188  δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase
                              230, 231, 232         survival  189                     (ALA-S)  35–6
                        molecular genetics  227–8   therapy-related  179, 180   gene mutations  47

                      Essential Haematology, 6th Edition. © A. V. Hoffbrand and P. A. H. Moss. Published 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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