Page 450 - Essential Haematology
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436  /  Index

                    coumarins  374–6            deferasirox  56              pathogenesis  356, 357
                    Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, new   deferiprone  56         pregnancy  416
                           variant (nvCJD)  403,   deferoxamine  54–6        protein C defi ciency  367
                           404                  demethylating agents,        thrombocytopenia  338
                     transmission prevention  409      haematological        thrombosis treatment  358
                    Crohn’s disease, parenteral iron  45  malignancies  175, 176  treatment  358
                    cross-matching of blood  405, 406  dendritic cell(s)  121–2, 133, 135  divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT-
                    cryoprecipitate  411         disorders  122                    1)  35–6, 38, 39
                     haematological malignancies  168  spleen  144           gene mutations  46
                     preparation  398           dendritic cell neoplasms  270  DNA methyl-transferase inhibitors
                    cryosupernatant  398         WHO classifi cation  429          219
                    cyclin-dependent protein kinases   desmopressin  319    DNA methylation  158
                           (Cdk)  11             haemophilia A  349–50      DNA microarray platforms  160–1,
                    cyclin proteins  11          von Willebrand disease  353       162
                    cystitis, haemorrhagic  310  1-diamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin   DNA synthesis defects  71
                    cytochrome c  11, 12               (DDAVP) see desmopressin  Donath–Lansteiner antibody  84
                    cytokinesis  10             diet                        donor leucocyte infusions (DLI)
                    cytomegalovirus (CMV)  404   iron defi ciency  41, 42    allogeneic stem cell
                     allogeneic stem cell        iron fortifi cation  45           transplantation  310, 311,
                           transplantation  308, 309  diff erentiation syndrome  183  312

                       interstitial pneumonitis    diffuse large B-cell lymphomas   chronic myelogenous leukemia
                           309–10                      (DLBCL)  267–8              310, 311
                     blood products  167–8, 409  HIV infection  267, 268, 391  non-Hodgkin lymphoma  311
                     blood transfusion  404, 409  dihydrofolate (DHF)  62–3  DRB genes  305
                     glandular fever  135       2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG)    drug-induced haemolytic anaemia
                     haematological malignancies       21, 22, 23                  86
                           170, 171             dipyridamole, venous thrombosis    immune  84–5
                     interstitial pneumonitis  309–10  378, 379             drug-induced immune
                     lymphocytosis  390         direct antiglobulin test (DAT)  82,   thrombocytopenia  334,
                    cytotoxic drugs                    404–5                       337, 338

                     antibiotics for haematological   cold autoimmune haemolytic   Duffy antigen chemokine receptor
                           malignancies  174, 176      anaemias  84                (DARC) gene  119
                     haematological malignancies    warm autoimmune haemolytic   dysfi brinogenaemia  388
                           172–3, 174–5, 176           anaemia  83          dyskeratosis congenita  291
                                                direct thrombin inhibitors  376  dysphagia, iron defi ciency  39, 41
                    D                           disseminated intravascular
                    D-cyclin genes  278                coagulation (DIC)  85,   E
                    dabigatran  376                    327, 355–8           E2F transcription factor  9
                    dactylitis  100, 102         AML  181                   eculizumab  87
                    danazol  211                 bacterial infections  388–9  Ehlers–Danlos syndrome  331
                    dasatinib  198, 199          causes  356                elliptocytosis  24
                    deep vein thrombosis         clinical features  356–7   eltrombopag  343
                     diagnosis  370–1            giant cavernous haemangioma    chronic idiopathic
                     diagnostic imaging  365           331                         thrombocytopenic
                     mechanical methods of       laboratory fi ndings  357, 358    purpura  336, 337
                           prophylaxis  377      liver disease  355         Embden–Meyerhof pathway  22, 23
                     postoperative  368          mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma    defects  81–2
                     recurrent  364, 365               368, 383             emboli  363
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