Page 453 - Essential Haematology
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                          chronic  310              chemical exposure  152      treatment protocols  164
                          prevention  304           clonal progression  155–6   viral infections  153–4, 170–1
                        blood transfusion  408      cytogenetic analysis  164  haematopoietic tissue tumours,
                        chronic pattern  306–7      cytotoxic drugs  172–3, 174–5,    WHO classifi cation
                      graft-versus-leukaemia eff ect  310  176                        427–9
                      granulocyte colony-stimulating   diagnosis  163         haematopoietin receptor
                              factor (G-CSF)  5, 8,   diagnostic methods  160–1, 162,   superfamily  8
                              112                         163                 haematuria  45
                        aplastic anaemia  294       DNA microarray platforms    haemochromatosis, genetic causes
                        clinical applications  112        160–1, 162                  51
                        neutropenia management  120  drug-induced  152        haemoglobin  19–22
                        neutrophil recovery  113    drug treatments  172–3, 174–5,   abnormalities  91
                        peripheral blood stem cell        176                   function  21–2
                              collection  300       environmental infl uences  152  genetic disorders  89–107
                        stem cell transplantation  301  epigenetic alterations  158  DNA diagnosis  105–6, 107
                      granulocyte concentrates  410  Epstein–Barr virus  153–4    fetal blood sampling  106
                      granulocyte–macrophage colony-  fever  169–70               prenatal diagnosis  105–6, 107
                              stimulating factor (GM-  FISH  160, 161           switch from fetal to adult  90–1
                              CSF)  7, 8            fl ow cytometry  161, 163   synthesis  19–20, 89–91
                      granulocytes  8, 109, 110–11  fungal infections  171, 172  see also anaemia
                        benign disorders  116–17    general support therapy  167–71,   haemoglobin A (Hb A)  19, 89
                        myelodysplasia  217               172                   switch from fetal  90–1
                        phagocytic function  112    genetic abnormalities  155,   haemoglobin C (Hb C) disease
                      granulopoiesis  111–12              157–8, 159, 160             104–5
                        control  112, 113           genetic markers  163–4    haemoglobin D (Hb D) disease
                      grey platelet syndrome  341   genetics  154–6                   105
                      growth factor receptors  8, 9, 10  haemostatic support  168  haemoglobin E (Hb E) disease  105
                      growth factors  4, 5          immunohistology  163      haemoglobin F (Hb F)  19–20, 22,
                        granulopoiesis  112         incidence  151, 152               89
                        haemopoiesis control  9     infections  153–4           switch to adult  90–1
                        haemopoietic  6–8             prophylaxis/treatment    haemoglobin H (Hb H) disease  92,
                                                          169–71, 172                 94, 97
                      H                             inherited factors  151    haemoglobin Lepore  93, 98, 99
                      H substance  399, 400         karyotype analysis  160   haemoglobin M (Hb M)  21
                      H63D mutation  52             management  167–77        haemoglobin oxygen dissociation
                      haem                          neutropenia  169–70               curve  21–2
                        structure  20               nutritional support  169    anaemia  25
                        synthesis  20               pain management  169      haemoglobin S (Hb S)  22
                          defects  47               PCR  160, 164               combination with other genetic
                      haematological malignancies    point mutations  157, 158        defects of haemoglobin
                              151–65                protozoal infections  154         104
                        aetiololgy  151–4           psychological support  168–9  haemoglobin S (Hb S)–thalassaemia
                        antibiotics  169, 170       radiation-induced  152            104
                        bacterial infections  154,   reproductive issues  169  haemoglobin Sβthal  100
                              169–70                response to therapy monitoring    haemoglobin Sβthal (Hb Sβthal)  99
                        blood product support  167–8      164                 haemoglobin SC (Hb SC)  100
                        central venous catheter insertion    specifi c therapies  172–3, 174–5,   haemoglobin SC (Hb SC) disease
                              167                         176                         104
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