Page 456 - Essential Haematology
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442  /  Index

                    hyperferritinaemia, genetic causes    immunocytes  109  infections
                           51                    function  110               allogeneic stem cell
                    hyperglobulinaemia  342     immunodefi ciency  139–40          transplantation  307–10
                    hyperhaemolysis syndrome  408  classifi cation  139      blood transfusion  402–4, 408
                    hyperhomocysteinaemia  367   stem cell transplantation  302  growth factor production  112
                    hypersplenism  146          immunoglobulin(s) (Ig)  130–1  haematological changes  388–91
                    hypertension                 functions  130–1            haematological malignancies
                     polycythaemia vera  205     gene rearrangements  131–2        153–4
                     thrombocytopenia  415       heavy-chain genes  131–2      prophylaxis/treatment
                    hyperviscosity syndrome  284–6  HIV infection  391             169–71, 172
                    hypochromic anaemias  34–49  light-chain genes  131–2    haemolytic anaemia  85–6
                     autosomal recessive  46     monoclonal  273             haemolytic uraemic syndrome
                     diff erential diagnosis  48  multiple myeloma  276–7          338
                     laboratory diagnosis  46    preparations  411           haemopoietic malignancies  254,
                     see also iron defi ciency anaemia  replacement in CLL  241    255
                    hyposplenism  146, 147, 148  somatic hypermutation of genes    multiple myeloma  281
                     infection prevention  148         237, 239              prevention in hyposplenism
                     vaccination recommendations    specifi c  412                 148
                           148                   structure  130, 131         purpura  332
                    hypothyroidism  388         immunoglobulin A (IgA)  130  thalassaemia major  96
                    hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF)  18  Henoch–Schönlein syndrome    thrombocytopenia  337
                                                       332                   see also bacterial infections; fungal
                    I                           immunoglobulin-free light chains,   infections; named
                    IDH1 and IDH2  183                 serum levels in multiple    conditions; viral infections
                    idiopathic thrombocytopenic        myeloma  276         infectious mononucleosis  135–9
                           purpura (ITP)        immunoglobulin G (IgG)  130  clinical features  135–6
                     acute  336–7                warm autoimmune haemolytic   diagnosis  137–8
                     chronic  334–6, 337               anaemia  82, 83       diff erential diagnosis  138–9
                     diagnosis  342–3           immunoglobulin M (IgM)  130  Epstein–Barr virus  135
                     pregnancy  415–16           antibodies  398–9, 404      haematological abnormalities
                     warm autoimmune haemolytic   autoantibody  138                138
                           anaemia association  83  cold autoimmune haemolytic   treatment  139
                     see also autoimmune               anaemias  84         inferior vena cava fi lter  377
                           thrombocytopenic     immunoglobulin superfamily    infl ammation  369
                           purpura                     13                   integrins  13
                    imatinib, ALL  233          immunohistology  163, 164   interferon α (IFN-α)
                    imatinib, CML  195–6, 197, 198  immunosuppression        CML  198
                     resistance  198, 199        autoimmune thrombocytopenic   essential thrombocythaemia  210
                     response to therapy  196, 197,    purpura  336          polycythaemia vera  207
                           198                   CLL  236                   interferon γ (IFN-γ)  8
                    immobility, venous stasis  368  lymphopenia  139        interleukin 1 (IL-1)  392
                    immune haemolytic anaemias,   reduction for post-transplant   interleukin 3 (IL-3)  7, 8
                           drug-induced  84–5          lymphoproliferative   intermittent compression devices
                    immune paresis, multiple myeloma    diseases  312              377
                           276–7                 warm autoimmune haemolytic   international normalized ratio
                    immune response  133, 134, 135     anaemia  84                 (INR)  375, 377
                    immune thrombocytopenia, CLL    indirect antiglobulin test (DAT)    interphase of cell cycle  10–11
                           237                         404, 405             interstitial pneumonitis  309–10
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