Page 461 - Essential Haematology
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                      nucleophosmin (NPM) gene    paraprotein(s)  273         phosphorus-32, polycythaemia vera
                              mutations  157, 180   multiple myeloma  276             207
                      nutritional support, haematological   venous thrombosis  369  phototherapy, haemolytic disease of
                              malignancies  169   paraproteinaemia  131, 273          the newborn  422
                                                    features of benign/malignant    pica  40
                      O                                   282                 PIVKA (proteins formed in vitamin
                      O blood group  367          paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria     K absence)  354
                        gene  399                         84, 86–7            plant derivatives, haematological
                      oestrogen therapy, venous     venous thrombosis  369            malignancies  174, 176
                              thrombosis risk  369  paroxysmal nocturnal      plasma  408, 409
                      oncogenes, haemopoietic             haemoglobinuria (PNH)    viscosity  394, 395
                              malignancies  154–5         75                    volume  425
                      opsonization  114           parvovirus B19, red cell aplasia    plasma cell(s)
                      oral anticoagulants, venous         295                   HIV infection  391
                              thrombosis  374–6, 377  Paterson–Kelly syndrome  39, 41  immunophenotype in multiple
                      oral contraceptives, oestrogen levels    Pearson’s syndrome  47  myeloma  277
                              369                 Pelger–Huët anomaly  116    plasma cell leukaemia  282
                      oropharyngeal lymphoid structures,   myelodysplasia  217, 218  plasma cell neoplasms  273
                              non-Hodgkin lymphoma    pentose phosphate pathway see   plasma exchange, thrombotic
                              257                         hexose monophosphate        thrombocytopenic
                      Oroya fever  389                    pathway                     purpura  338
                      osmotic fragility, hereditary   periarteriolar lymphatic sheath   plasmacytoma, solitary  281–2
                              spherocytosis  78           (PALS)  143         plasmapheresis
                      osteomyelitis, Salmonella  102,   peripheral blood stem cells,   hyperviscosity syndrome  286
                              103                         collection  230, 298, 299  acute  265
                      osteoporosis                pernicious anaemia  63, 64  plasmin  326, 327
                        haematological changes  391–2  antibodies  64           inactivation  327
                        heparin-induced  374        associations  64          plasminogen  326
                        thalassaemia major  96      autoimmune  64            Plasmodium falciparum  391, 393
                      oxygen                        autoimmune thyroid disease  388  platelet(s)  315–16, 317, 318–19,
                        exchange  21                vitamin B 12 therapy  70          320, 321
                        transport  19, 21         phagocytes  109–10            abnormalities
                                                    attraction to bacteria/       in malignancy  382–3, 384,
                      P                                   infl ammation site  114     385
                      P antibodies  402             digestion  114–15             in renal failure  387
                      p53 tumour-suppressor gene  11,   function  110           activation  325
                              12                      defects  115–16           adhesion  318, 319
                        mutations  157              killing  114–15             aggregation  318, 319, 324–5
                      packed cell volume (PCV)        abnormalities  116        amplifi cation  318, 320
                        anaemia  25               phagocytosis  114, 115        antigens  318
                        normal values  425          defects  116                deposition in atherosclerosis  363
                      pain management, haematological   phagosomes  115         diseases  331
                              malignancies  169   pharyngeal webs  39, 41       essential thrombocythaemia  209
                      pancytopenia  289           Philadelphia chromosome       function  318–19, 320, 321
                        hairy cell leukaemia  241–2  ALL  228, 232                tests  328, 343
                        myelodysplasia  217, 218    CML  192, 193, 194          function inhibitors  320
                      Pappenheimer bodies (siderotic   phosphatidylinositol 3 (PI3) kinase    glycoproteins  316, 318
                              granules)  30               8, 9, 10              haemostatic response  324–5
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