Page 463 - Essential Haematology
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Index  /  449

                      pruritus, Hodgkin lymphoma  246  indices  26–7          reticuloendothelial system  74, 76,
                      pseudopolycythaemia  203, 208   iron defi ciency  41–2          114
                      pseudoxanthoma elasticum  331  integrity control  143–4  retina, hyperviscosity syndrome
                      PTPN11 gene mutation  222     membrane  24–5                    285, 286
                      pulmonary embolism              defects  77–9           Rh antibodies  399, 401–2
                        diagnosis  371              normal values  25, 425      see also haemolytic disease of the
                        diagnostic imaging  365     oxygen transport  19, 21          newborn
                        mechanical methods of       plasma-depleted  409, 409–10  Rh genes  399, 401
                              prophylaxis  377      potassium loss  408       Rh genotypes  401, 402
                      pulmonary hypertension, sickle cell   shape/size variation in anaemia    fetal Rh D  419
                              anaemia  100, 102           29                  Rh haemolytic disease of the
                      purpura                       storage  408                      newborn  84, 419,
                        infection-associated  332   substitutes  410                  420–1, 422
                        post-transfusion  337, 408  for transfusion  408, 409,   Rh immunization prevention  419,
                      purpura fulminans, protein C        409–10                      420
                              defi ciency  367, 418  red cell aplasia  294–5  Rh system  399, 400, 401–2
                      pyridoxine  47                classifi cation  294        group determination  405
                      pyrimethamine  63             transient  294, 295       rheumatoid arthritis  385
                      pyruvate kinase defi ciency  82  red cell fragmentation syndromes    rituximab
                                                          85                    autoimmune neutropenia  120
                      Q                           red cell membrane  22, 24     autoimmune thrombocytopenic
                      5q-syndrome  215, 216       Reed–Sternberg (RS) cells  246      purpura  336
                      quinidine  337              refractory anaemia  215, 216  CLL  240
                      quinine  337, 391             with excess blasts  215, 216  cold autoimmune haemolytic
                                                    with ring sideroblasts and        anaemias  84

                      R                                   thrombocytosis  47, 192,   diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
                      radiotherapy                        215, 216, 221               268
                        acquired immune defi ciency    refractory cytopenia with   follicular lymphoma  266
                              139–40                      multilineage dysplasia   lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma
                        ALL  229, 230                     (RCMD)  215, 216            265
                        CLL  240                  refractory neutropenia  215   mechanism of action  265
                        Hodgkin lymphoma  250     refractory thrombocytopenia  215  post-transplant
                        multiople myeloma  280    renal allografts  387               lymphoproliferative
                      RANKL (receptor activator of   renal failure                    diseases  312
                              nuclear factor-κB ligand)    anaemia  385–7       red cell aplasia  294–5
                              277                   coagulation abnormalities  387  thrombotic thrombocytopenic
                      RARα gene  182, 186           haematological changes  385–7     purpura  338
                      RAS oncogene mutations  157   iron defi ciency  387     romiplostim, chronic idiopathic
                      red cell(s)  17, 22, 23, 24–5  multiple myeloma  278, 279, 281  thrombocytopenic
                        agglutination  404          platelet abnormalities  387       purpura  336
                        alloantibodies  405       reticulocyte(s)  17         Rosai–Dorfman syndrome  122
                        alloimmunization  418–19    factors impairing normal   rubella, lymphocytosis  390
                        antigens  398                     response to anaemia  28
                        count in anaemia  25        RNA  30                   S
                        defective metabolism  79–82  reticulocyte count  27–8  S phase of cell cycle  10, 11
                        destruction  74             iron defi ciency  41–2    saline–adenine–glucose–mannitol
                        haemoglobin synthesis  20  reticulocytosis, haemolytic anaemia    allergic reactions  407
                        inclusions  30                    75                    preparation  398
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