Page 467 - Essential Haematology
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ALL 233 risk factors 364, 364 tests for cause 69
CML 195–6, 197, 198 treatment 371–9 treatment 69–71
response to therapy 196, 197, vessel wall diseases 331 vitamin B 12 neuropathy 66–7
198 viral hepatitis vitamin C defi ciency 332
second generation 196, 199 aplastic anaemia 387–8 vitamin K
blood transfusion 403 administration to neonates 354
U hepatitis B immunization 98 clotting factor activity 323
ultra large von Willebrand factor hepatitis C in haemophilia A haematological malignancies 168
multimers (ULVWF) 348 prophylaxis 355
337, 338, 339 viral infections vitamin K defi ciency 354–6
umbilical cord blood, stem cell allogeneic stem cell von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) protein
collection 300 transplantation 308–9, 18
uraemia, platelet function 310 von Willebrand disease 44, 341,
abnormalities 342 anaemia 390 343, 352–3
urokinase 326 blood transfusion 402–4, 408 classifi cation 353
urticaria pigmentosa 212 CLL 236 clinical features 350, 353
haematological changes 390–1 freeze-dried factor VIII
V haematological malignancies concentrates 411
valaciclovir 171 153–4, 170–1 inheritance 350, 352–3
varicella zoster virus lymphocytosis 390 laboratory fi ndings 350, 353
allogeneic stem cell parvovirus B19 causing red cell treatment 353
transplantation 308–9, aplasia 295 von Willebrand factor (VWF) 318,
310 thrombocytopenia 390 319, 321
haematological malignancies Virchow’s triad 364 abnormal function 352
170, 171 visceral leishmaniasis 391, 393 assay 343
vascular bleeding disorders 331–2, vitamin B 6 defi ciency 367 elevation 352
333 vitamin B 12 59–60, 61, 62 haemostatic response 324–5
vascular defects, acquired 331–2 absorption 59–60, 61 level reduction 352
vasculitis 85 biochemical function 60, 61, non-O blood group 367
vasoconstriction 324 62 von Willebrand disease treatment
veganism 63 inadequate intake 64 353
venesection malabsorption 64
polycythaemia 208 metabolism abnormalities 71 W
polycythaemia vera 206 nutritional aspects 60 Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia
venous stasis 368 prophylaxis 70–1 261–2, 265
venous thrombosis 364–70 serum levels 425 hyperglobulinaemia 342
acquired risk factors 364 sources 59 hyperviscosity syndrome 285,
anticoagulant drugs 371–6, 377 structure 59 286
blood disorders 369 synthesis 59 Waldeyer’s ring, non-Hodgkin
diagnosis 370–1 transport 60 lymphoma 257
fi brinolytic agents 377–8 vitamin B 12 defi ciency 42, 63–4 warfarin 354, 374–5, 377
heparin use 371–4 diagnosis 67, 69 contraindication in pregnancy
hereditary risk factors 364 hyperhomocysteinaemia 367 375, 416
malignancy 368, 383, 385 laboratory tests 68 drug interactions 375
mechanical methods of melanin pigmentation 66, 67 overdose management 375
prophylaxis 377 neural tube defects 66, 67 surgery management 375
pathogenesis 364 pregnancy 414–15 warm autoimmune haemolytic
postoperative 368 systemic diseases 71 anaemias 82–4