Page 465 - Essential Haematology
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tissue-specifi c 5–6 thalassaemia major 98 T helper cells type 1 (Th 1) 135
umbilical cord blood 300 veno-occlusive disease of liver T helper cells type 2 (Th 2) 135
stem cell factor (SCF) 5, 7, 8, 10 310 T lymphocytes 127, 129
stem cell transplantation 298–313 stem cell transplantation, antigen receptors 133, 134
autoimmune thrombocytopenic autologous 298, 302–3 development 133
purpura 336 Hodgkin lymphoma 251 HLA-restricted 135
haploidentical 304 procedures 299 spleen 144
immunity 302 stercobilin 74 TEL-AML1 translocation 227–8
indications 298 stercobilinogen 74 telomeres 156, 157
post-transplant engraftment sterility, folate/vitamin B 12 temporal arteritis 385
301–2 defi ciency 67 TET-2 gene mutation
potential donors 298 steroid purpura 332 myelodysplastic/
principles 298, 299, 300–2 stomatitis, angular in megaloblastic myeloproliferative
syngeneic 298 anaemia 65, 66 neoplasms 221
stem cell transplantation, allogeneic storage pool diseases 341 primary myelofi brosis 210
298, 303–4, 305, Streptococcus pneumoniae, risk in tetrahydrofolate 62, 63
306–10, 311, 312 hyposplenism 148 see also methyl tetrahydrofolate
ALL 233 streptokinase 326, 377 thalassaemia 91–3, 94, 95–9
AML 188 stroke, sickle cell anaemia 100 cardiac arrhythmias 54
aplastic anaemia 293–4, 302 stromal cells 3–4 classifi cation 93
blood product support 310 growth factors 6–7 congestive heart failure 54
cardiac failure 310 stromal-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) hypochromic anaemia diff erential
chimaerism analysis 306 5 diagnosis 48
CLL 241 syphilis, blood transfusion 403, transfusional iron overload 53–4,
CML 198 404 55, 408
complications 306–10 systemic AL amyloidosis 283, 284, α-thalassaemia 91, 92, 93, 94
donor leucocyte infusions 310, 285 β-thalassaemia 91, 92–3, 94, 95–8
311, 312 systemic disease mutations 95
graft failure 310 haematological changes 382–96 trait 98
graft-versus-host disease 300, non-specifi c monitoring 392, association with other genetic
303, 306–7 394–6 disorders fo haemoglobin
prevention 304 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 99
graft-versus-leukaemia eff ect 310 359, 369 Hb electrophoretic pattern 97
haemorrhagic cystitis 310 anaemia of chronic disorders 385 δβ-thalassaemia 93, 99
Hodgkin lymphoma 251 autoimmune haemolytic anaemia thalassaemia intermedia 93, 98–9
human leukocyte antigen system 385 thalassaemia major 92–3, 94, 95–8
303–4, 305 clinical features 95–6
infections 307–10 T iron chelation therapy 54–5, 56
interstitial pneumonitis 309–10 T-cell acute lymphoblastic laboratory diagnosis 96–7
multiple myeloma 278 leukaemia (T-ALL) 224, life expectancy 56
myelodysplasia 219, 221 225, 227, 228 mutations 93, 94, 95
post-transplant NOTCH signalling pathway transfusional iron overload 53–4,
lymphoproliferative 228, 229 55
diseases 312 T-cell neoplasms, mature 428–9 treatment 98
procedures 299 T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia thalidomide, multiple myeloma
red cell aplasia 294 (T-PLL) 242 278
second malignancies 310 T-cell receptor 135 therapy-related myelodysplasia
sickle cell anaemia 104 gene rearrangements 132, 133 (t-MDS) 216