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446  /  Index

                    myelodysplasia (continued)  myoglobin  35                recurrent infections  120
                     laboratory fi ndings  217, 218, 219  myxoedema  388     refractory  215
                     pathogenesis  216                                      neutrophil(s)  109, 110, 111
                     platelet function abnormalities    N                    bone marrow  111–12
                           342                  NADH  22, 23, 24             function disorders  114–17
                     primary  216               natural killer (NK) cell(s)  129–30  killing and digestion  114–15
                     progression to AML  215    natural killer (NK) cell neoplasms,   kinetics  111
                     risk groups  216, 219, 221        mature  428–9         leucocytosis  116, 117
                     secondary  216             necrosis  12–13              morphology abnormalities  116,
                     sideroblastic anaemia  47  Neisseria meningitidis, risk in    117
                     therapy-related  216              hyposplenism  148     precursors  110–11
                    myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative   neonatal jaundice  80  neutrophil alkaline phosphatase
                           neoplasms  221–2, 427  neonates  416, 417, 418–19,      (NAP) score  388
                    myelodysplastic syndrome           420–1, 422           NF1 gene mutation  222
                     associated with isolated del(5q)    anaemia  416, 417, 418  nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
                           215, 216              anaemia of prematurity  418       phosphate (NADPH)  22,
                     childhood  215              blood count  416                  24, 115
                     WHO classifi cation  427    coagulation  418           Niemann–Pick disease  125
                    myelofi brosis, primary  203,   fetomaternal alloimmune   nilotinib  196, 198, 199
                           210–11                      thrombocytopenia  418  nitric oxide  320, 321
                     clinical features  210–11   haemorrhagic disease of the   endothelial cells  324
                     laboratory fi ndings  211         newborn  354–5       nitrous oxide (N 20) anaesthesia  71
                     treatment  211              intracranial haemorrhage  416  non-Hodgkin lymphoma  151, 246,
                    myeloid growth factors  112  mothers with idiopathic           254–71
                    myeloid proliferations related to   thrombocytopenic     B-cell  254, 255, 256
                           Down’s syndrome  181        purpura  416          cell of origin  255, 256
                    myeloid sarcoma  179, 181    polycythaemia  418          classifi cation  254–5
                    myeloma                      see also haemolytic disease of the   clinical features  256–7
                     asymptomatic  274                 newborn               cytogenetics  258, 259, 260, 262
                     autologous stem cell       nephrotic syndrome  387      donor leucocyte infusions  311
                           transplantation  303  neural tube defects         high-grade  255–6, 267–9
                     see also multiple myeloma   folate/vitamin B 12 defi ciency  66,   HIV infection  391
                    myeloma cell  273                  67                    investigations  257–8
                    myeloperoxidase defi ciency  116  folic acid prophylaxis  71, 414  laboratory investigations  257–8
                    myeloproliferative disorders  neurofi bromatosis  222    low-grade  255–6, 261–2, 265–7
                     genetic abnormalities  155, 157  neutropenia  118–21    lymph node biopsy  257, 258
                     JAK2 mutation  203, 204, 205  ALL  224                  lymphocytosis  242
                     non-leukaemic neoplasms     autoimmune  119, 120        peripheral T-cell, unspecifi ed
                           203–13                benign ethnic  119                269
                     platelet function abnormalities    clinical features  119, 120  staging  260–1, 263, 264
                           342                   congenital  119             subtypes  261–2, 265–9
                     venous thrombosis  369      cyclical  119               T-cell  254, 255
                     see also polycythaemia;     diagnosis  119              white cell changes  382
                           polycythaemia vera    drug-induced  119, 120     Noonan’s syndrome  222
                    myeloproliferative neoplasms  427  haematological malignancies    normocytic, normochromic anaemia
                    myelosuppression, cytotoxic in     169–70                      27
                           polycythaemia vera    idiopathic benign  119     NOTCH signalling pathway, T-cell
                           206–7                 management  120                   ALL  228, 229
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