Page 457 - Essential Haematology
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Index  /  443

                      intestinal lesions, vitamin B 12    iron dextran  45    Kell antigens  402
                              defi ciency  63     iron overload  51–7         kernicterus, haemolytic disease of
                      intracranial haemorrhage, neonates    African  53               the newborn  422
                              416                   assessment  51, 52        kidneys
                      intravenous immunoglobulin    causes  51                  Fanconi’s anaemia  289, 290
                              (IVIG)  336           hepatic parenchymal cells  51, 52  multiple myeloma  278, 279, 281
                      intrinsic factor (IF)  60, 61  iron chelation therapy  54–6  sickle cell anaemia  102
                        antibodies  64              liver  51, 52, 53, 54, 55   see also renal failure
                        congenital lack/abnormality  64  post-transfusional  53–4, 55, 408  KIT gene mutation, mastocytosis  212
                      intrinsic Xase  322             thalassaemia major  95  Kleihauer test  419, 420
                      iron  387                     skin pigmentation  54     koilonychia  39, 41
                        absorption  37–9            treatment  54–6           Kostmann’s syndrome  119
                        bone marrow stores  42, 43  iron regulatory proteins (IRPs)  36
                        cycle  35                 iron response elements (IREs)  36  L
                        dietary content  37                                   lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
                        dietary fortifi cation  45  J                           serum levels

                        distribution in body  34–7  JAK/STAT  8, 9                in diffuse large B-cell
                        increased demands  40–1, 42  Janus-associated kinase 2 (JAK2)   lymphomas  267
                        metabolism  34–7                  gene mutation  157, 203,   in non-Hodgkin lymphoma
                        nutritional aspects  34, 37–9     204, 205                    258
                        oral  45                    essential thrombocythaemia  209  thrombotic thrombocytopenic
                        parenteral  45              myelodysplastic/                  purpura  338
                        requirements  39, 40              myeloproliferative   Langerhans’ cell(s)  121
                          pregnancy  41                   neoplasms  221      Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis  122,
                        serum levels  42, 43, 425   polycythaemia diagnosis  208      270
                        status assessment  51, 52   polycythaemia vera  203, 204,   large granular lymphocytic
                        transport  34–7                   205                         leukaemia (LGL-L)  242,
                      iron binding capacity  51     primary myelofi brosis  210, 211  243
                      iron chelation therapy        thrombophilia screening  370  lead poisoning  48
                        iron overload  54–6         venous thrombosis  369      haemolytic anaemia  86
                        thalassaemia major  98    Janus-associated kinase 2 (JAK2)   leg ulceration, sickle cell anaemia
                      iron defi ciency  34, 39–42, 43,    inhibitors                  101, 103
                              44–6                  polycythaemia vera  208   leishmaniasis, haematological
                        causes  40–1                primary myelofi brosis  211       changes  391, 393
                        clinical features  39–40, 41  Janus-associated kinase (JAK)   lenalidomide
                        congestive heart failure  387     proteins  8, 9, 10    CLL  240
                        diagnosis  48             jaundice, neonatal  80        multiple myeloma  278, 280
                        Helicobacter pylori-induced   joint deformity/disability,   myelodysplasia  219
                              autoimmune gastritis  64    haemophilia A  346,   lepirudin  374, 376
                        investigations  44–5              347–8, 349          Letterer–Siwe disease  122
                        iron refractory  46       juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia    leucocyte(s) see white cells
                        laboratory fi ndings  41–2, 43, 44  192, 221–2        leucocyte adhesion molecules  114
                        renal failure  387                                    leucocyte counts  27
                        treatment  45             K                           leucocytosis  114–18
                      iron defi ciency anaemia    kala-azar, haematological changes    basophil  121
                        management  44                    391, 393              causes  117–18
                        pregnancy  414            karyotype  156, 157           eosinophilic  120–1
                        serum ferritin  44          analysis  160               neutrophil  116, 117
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