Page 458 - Essential Haematology
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                    leucodepletion  409         lymphocytosis  135–9        macrophage(s)
                    leucoerythroblastic reaction  118  causes  137           antigen presentation  114
                    leukaemia                    chronic lymphoid leukaemias    nitric oxide  320
                     classifi cation  179              235                   red cell destruction  74, 144
                     cytogenetic analysis  179   CLL  236                   macrophage colony-stimulating
                     diagnosis of acute  179, 180  non-Hodgkin lymphoma  242       factor (M-CSF)  8, 10
                     incidence  151, 152         pleomorphic atypical  137–8  macrophage-derived sarcomas
                     lymphoma relationship  256  viral infections  390             270
                     molecular analysis  179    lymphoid neoplasms, precursor  428  major histocompatibility complex
                     see also named acute and chronic   lymphoid organs            (MHC)  303
                           leukaemias            primary  127, 128           see also human leukocyte antigens
                    leukaemoid reaction  117, 382  secondary  127, 128, 135, 136   (HLA)
                     bacterial infections  388, 390  lymphoid tissue tumours, WHO   malabsorption
                    Lewis antibodies  402              classifi cation  427–9  iron defi ciency  41, 42
                    livedo reticularis, antiphospholipid   lymphoma  246     megaloblastic anaemia  65–6
                           syndrome  370         autologous stem cell        vitamin B 12   64
                    liver/liver disease  355           transplantation  303  malaria
                     acute pattern graft-versus-host   classifi cation  254–5  anaemia of chronic disorders  391
                           disease  306          genetic abnormalities  155  blood transfusion  403, 404
                     fetal haemopoiesis  2       HIV infection  154          Burkitt lymphoma association
                     haematological changes  387–8  leukaemia relationship  256    154, 268
                     iron overload  51, 52, 53, 54, 55  mature B-cell neoplasms  254–5  DARC  119
                     non-Hodgkin lymphoma  257   mature T-cell neoplasms  254–5  haematological changes  391,
                     sickle cell anaemia  102    red cell aplasia  294             393
                     thalassaemia major  95      see also named lymphoma diseases  haemolytic anaemia  86
                     thrombocytopenia  355, 388  lymphopenia  139            splenectomy  148
                     veno-occlusive disease  310  lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma    thrombocytopenia  391
                    liver transplantation, haemophilia A    261–2, 265      malignancy
                           348                   treatment  265              anaemia  382, 384
                    loiasis  391, 395           lymphoproliferative disorders, post-  coagulation abnormalities
                    Luebering–Rapaport shunt  22, 23   transplant  312, 429        382–3, 384, 385
                    lupus anticoagulant  359–60, 369  lyphoid tissue, spleen  143, 144  folate defi ciency  71
                    lymph nodes  135, 136       lysosomal storage diseases  122–3,   haematological changes  382–3,
                    lymphadenopathy                    124, 125                    384, 385
                     autoimmunoblastic  270     lysosomes  13, 115           HIV infection  391
                     Burkitt lymphoma  268, 269                              platelet abnormalities  382–3,
                     causes  140                M                                  384, 385
                     diff erential diagnosis  140–1  M phase of cell cycle  10  polycythaemia  382
                     follicular lymphoma  266   macrocytes                   venous thrombosis  368, 383,
                     Hodgkin lymphoma  246       megaloblastic anaemia  67, 72     385
                     investigations  140–1       shape  72                   white cell changes  382, 384
                     non-Hodgkin lymphoma  256  macrocytic anaemia  27, 59   see also named diseases and
                    lymphoblastic lymphoma  225, 269  diff erential diagnosis  72  tumours
                    lymphocytes  109–10, 127, 128,   laboratory features  72  MALT lymphoma see mucosa-
                           129–30                non-megaloblastic  71–2           associated lymphoid
                     circulation  130            see also megaloblastic anaemia    tissue (MALT) lymphoma
                     migration in spleen  143   macrocytosis, folate/vitamin B 12   mantle cell lymphoma  258, 259,
                    lymphocytic lymphoma  261          defi ciency  67             267
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