Page 454 - Essential Haematology
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440  /  Index

                    haemoglobin SS (Hb SS)  99  haemophagocytic             haemosiderinuria  45
                    haemolysis                         lymphohistiocytosis  122,   haemostasis
                     extravascular  76                 123                   acquired disorders  368
                     intravascular  76–7        haemophilia A  346, 347, 348–50,   hereditary disorders  364–8
                    haemolytic anaemia  74–87          351, 352              pregnancy  416
                     acquired  82–7              antenatal diagnosis  349   haemostatic function tests  327–8
                     acute  77, 80, 81           carrier detection  349, 351  disseminated intravascular
                     alcohol intoxication  387   clinical features  346, 347, 348,   coagulation  357, 358
                     alloimmune  84                    350                  haemostatic plug formation  324–5
                     chemical agents  86         coagulation factor activity  349  haemostatic response  324–5, 326
                     classifi cation  75         disease severity  349       components  315–16, 317,
                     clinical features  75–6     factor VIII gene  346, 347        318–19, 320, 321
                     defective red cell metabolism    factor VIII inhibitors  352  platelet reactions  324–5
                           79–82                 freeze-dried factor VIII    primary haemostatic plug
                     drug-induced  86                  concentrates  411           formation  324–5
                     drug-induced immune  84–5   gene therapy  352           vasoconstriction  324
                     extravascular haemolysis  76  hepatitis C  348         haemostatic support, haematological
                     hereditary  75, 77–82       HIV infection  346, 348           malignancies  168
                     immune  82–5                inheritance  346, 350      hairy cell leukaemia (HCL)  241–2
                     infections  85–6            laboratory fi ndings  348–9  hand–foot syndrome  100, 102
                     intravascular haemolysis  76–7  molecular genetics  346, 347  Hand–Schüller–Christian disease
                     laboratory fi ndings  76    prophylaxis  350, 352             122
                     macrocytic anaemia induction    treatment  349–50, 352  haptoglobins  74, 76
                           72                   haemophilia B see factor IX   Hashimoto’s diseae  388
                     March haemoglobinuria  85         defi ciency          heart
                     membrane defects  77–9     haemophilic pseudotumours  346,   iron overload in thalassaemia
                     microangiopathic  85, 86, 382,    348                         54
                           384                  Haemophilus infl uenzae type B, risk   see also cardiac entries
                     physical agents  86               in hyposplenism  148  heavy chain diseases  267, 282
                     red cell fragmentation syndromes    haemopoiesis  2–14  Heinz bodies  30, 86
                           85                    extramedullary  2          Helicobacter pylori  41
                     reticulocytosis  75           spleen  144               autoimmune gastritis  64
                     secondary  86               ineff ective  215           gastric MALT lymphoma  265
                     Wilson’s disease  86, 387   regulation  6, 112, 113       pathogenesis  154
                     see also autoimmune haemolytic   site  2                investigations  45
                           anaemia (AIHA)       haemopoietic growth factors  6–8  hemojuvelin (HJV)  37, 38
                    haemolytic disease of the newborn    aplastic anaemia  294  gene mutations  53
                           418–19, 420–1, 422    myelodysplasia  219        HEMPAS (hereditary erythroblast
                     blood count  416           haemopoietic malignancies,         multinuclearity with a
                     clinical features  421, 422       infections associated  254,   positive acidifi ed serum
                     fetal assessment  419, 420        255                         lysis test)  295
                     Rh  84, 419, 420–1, 422    haemopoietic progenitor cells  2–3,   Henoch–Schönlein syndrome  332,
                     treatment  422                    4                           333
                    haemolytic shock  406–7     haemopoietic stem cells  2–3  heparin
                    haemolytic transfusion reactions    haemorrhagic disease of the   administration  373–4
                           406–7                       newborn  354–5        bleeding during therapy  373
                    haemolytic uraemic syndrome  337,   haemorrhagic syndrome  183  disseminated intravascular
                           338                  haemosiderin  34, 35, 76           coagulation  358
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