Page 455 - Essential Haematology
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Index  /  441

                        drug-induced immune       heterophile antibodies  138   pathogenesis  246
                              thrombocytopenia  337  hexose monophosphate pathway    prognosis  251
                        indications  372–3                22, 24                Reed–Sternberg cells  246
                        laboratory control  373–4  HFE gene, mutation  51–3     relapse  251
                        low molecular weight  373, 377  hirudin  374, 376       secondary cancers  251
                          pregnancy  416          histiocytes  121              staging  247, 249, 250
                        mode of action  371–2       disorders  122              treatment  250–2
                        osteoporosis  374         histiocytic cell neoplasms  270  white cell changes  382
                        pregnancy  416              WHO classifi cation  429    WHO classifi cation  429
                        standard  373             histiocytosis X  122        homocysteine  367, 368
                        thrombocytopenia induction    HIV infection             thrombophilia screening  370
                              373–4                 anaemia  391              hookworm  41, 45
                        venous thrombosis  371–4    blood transfusion  403–4  hormone replacement therapy,
                      heparin-induced thrombocytopenia   Burkitt lymphoma  268, 391   venous thrombosis risk

                              (HIT)  373–4          diffuse large B-cell lymphomas    369
                      hepatitis                           267, 268, 391       Howell–Jolly body  30, 144
                        post-transfusion  408       EBV infection  391        human albumin solution  411
                        see also viral hepatitis    glandular fever  135      human leukocyte antigens (HLA)
                      hepatitis B immunization,     haematological changes  390–1,    129–30, 134, 135
                              thalassaemia major  98      392                   allogeneic stem cell
                      hepatitis C, haemophilia A  348  haemophilia A  346, 348        transplantation  303–4,
                      hepatocellular disease  355   Hodgkin lymphoma  391             305
                      hepcidin  37, 38, 39          lymphoma                    febrile reactions from white cell
                        expression control  37        incidence  154                  antibodies  407
                        gene mutations  53            treatment  391            inheritance pattern  305
                        iron overload  52           lymphopenia  139            matching  304
                      hephaestin  39                malignancy  391             molecular genetics  305
                      hereditary elliptocytosis  78, 79  non-Hodgkin lymphoma  391  molecular testing  304
                        molecular basis  78, 79     primary central nervous system   nomenclature  304
                      hereditary haemochromatosis         lymphoma  269         self molecules  135
                              51–3                Hodgkin lymphoma  151, 246–52  typing  304
                      hereditary haemorrhagic       assessment of response to   human plasma preparations
                              telangiectasia  331, 332    treatment  251              411–12
                      hereditary persistence of fetal   biochemical fi ndings  247  human platelet antigens (HPA)
                              haemoglobin  93, 99   classifi cation  247, 248, 429    318
                      hereditary spherocytosis  24, 77–9  clinical features  246–7  human T cell lymphotropic virus 1
                        clinical features  78       combined modality therapy  250    (HTLV-1)  153, 243
                        haematological fi ndings  78  complications  251        blood transfusion  404
                        investigations  78          cutaneous  246            hydrogen peroxide  114–15
                        pathogenesis  78, 78        diagnosis  247, 248       hydrops fetalis
                        red cell aplasia  295       Epstein–Barr virus  246     haemolytic disease of the
                        treatment  79               haematological fi ndings  247     newborn  421, 422
                      herpes simplex virus (HSV)    histological classifi cation  247,   α-thalassaemia  92
                        allogeneic stem cell              248                 hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea)
                              transplantation  310  history  246                CML  198
                        haematological malignancies    HIV infection  391       essential thrombocythaemia  210
                              170, 171              late eff ects  251          polycythaemia vera  207
                      herpes zoster, CLL  236       nodular sclerosing type  248, 250  sickle cell anaemia  103–4
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