Page 451 - Essential Haematology
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                      embryonic stem cells  5     erythropoietin  7, 8, 17–19   replacement in haemophilia A
                      end-stage renal disease,      anaemia  28                       349
                              erythropoietin therapy  19  in renal failure  386–7  venous thrombosis association
                      endocrine therapy, thalassaemia   haematological malignancies    with high levels  368
                              major  98                   168                 factor VIII gene, haemophilia A
                      endothelial cells  321, 323–4  myelodysplasia  219              346, 347
                        nitric oxide  320, 321, 324  primary myelofi brosis  211  factor VIIIa  320, 321
                      enteropathy-associated T-cell   recombinant  18–19      factor IX  322
                              lymphoma  270         therapy                     clotting assay  352
                      enzyme replacement therapy,     anaemia of chronic disorders    factor IX defi ciency  352
                              Gaucher’s disease  125      47                    clinical features  350
                      eosinophil(s)  109, 111         indications  18–19        coagulation factor activity  349
                      eosinophilia  120–1           transfusion requirement     disease severity  349
                      eosinophilic granuloma  122         reduction  410        inheritance  350
                      eosinophilic leucocytosis  120–1  erythropoietin receptors  18  laboratory fi ndings  350
                      Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)    Escherichia coli, haemolytic uraemic   factor IXa  320, 321
                        allogeneic stem cell              syndrome  338       factor IX–prothrombin complex,
                              transplantation  309  essential thrombocythaemia (ET)    freeze-dried concentrates
                        antibody testing  138             203, 208–10                 411
                        Burkitt lymphoma  268       clinical features  206    factor X  320, 321, 322
                        haematological malignancies    clinical signs  209    factor Xa  320, 321
                              153–4, 170, 171       course  210               factor Xa inhibitors  375–6
                        HIV infection  391          diagnosis  209            factor XI  322, 325
                        Hodgkin lymphoma  246       JAK2 gene mutation  209   factor XIII  322, 325
                        infectious mononucleosis  135  laboratory fi ndings  209, 210  FANCD2 gene  289
                        post-transplant             prognosis  209–10         Fanconi’s anaemia  289, 290,
                              lymphoproliferative   treatment  209–10                 291
                              diseases  312         venous thrombosis  369    Felty’s syndrome  385
                      eptifi batide  379          Evans’ syndrome  83         ferric carboxymaltose  45
                      erythroblastosis fetalis  421, 422  exchange transfusion, haemolytic   ferric hydroxide-sucrose  45
                      erythroblasts  16, 17               disease of the newborn    ferrireductase  39
                      erythrocyte sedimentation rate      422                 ferritin  34, 36
                              (ESR)               extrinsic Xase  322, 323, 325  serum levels  43, 44
                        acute phase proteins  394–5                               iron chelation therapy  56
                        thrombophilia screening  370  F                           iron overload  51, 53
                      erythrocytes  16–17         factor II inhibitors  376       normal values  425
                      erythrocytosis see polycythaemia  factor V  322, 325      synthesis regulation  35–7
                      erythroid colony-forming unit   factor V Leiden gene mutation    ferritin light chain gene mutations
                              (CFU E )  16                364–6                       53
                      erythroid hyperplasia  31   factor VIII  322, 325       ferroportin  38
                      erythroid hypoplasia  31      alloantibodies  359         gene mutations  53
                      erythropoiesis  16–17         antibodies  352           ferrous sulphate  45
                        assessment in anaemia  29, 32  autoantibodies  359    ferumoxytol  45
                        bone marrow precursors  19  clotting assay  348       fetal haemoglobin (Hb F)  19–20,
                        eff ective  32              fetal blood levels  349           22, 89
                        ineff ective  29, 31, 32    freeze-dried concentrates  411  switch to adult  90–1
                        pregnancy requirements  414  inhibitors  352          fetomaternal alloimmune
                        regulation  17–19           non-O blood group  367            thrombocytopenia  418
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