Page 447 - Essential Haematology
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treatment 336 BCR-ABL1 fusion protein, CML blood products
see also idiopathic 192, 193, 194, 195 adverse event reporting 398
thrombocytopenic BCR-ABL1 gene 192, 193, 194 CMV-free 167–8
purpura (ITP) mutation screening 195, 196 haematological malignancies
autoimmune thyroid disease 388 BehÇet’s syndrome 370 167–8
autoimmunoblastic Bence-Jones protein 131 human plasma preparations
lymphadenopathy 270 multiple myeloma 277, 278, 279 411–12
autophagy 13 Bernard–Soulier syndrome 341 preparation 398
azacytidine 219 bivalirudin 376 use reduction 408
blackwater fever 391 blood transfusions 398–412
B haemolytic anaemia 86 acute blood loss 412
B blood group gene 399 blast cells 179 allogeneic 402–4
B-cell acute lymphoblastic ALL 225, 227 allogeneic stem cell
leukaemia (B-ALL) 151, AML 181, 184–5 transplantation 310
224, 227 bleeding disorders 331–43 autologous/autotransfusion 410
chromosome translocations 160 platelet function disorders 340–3 bacterial infections 403, 404,
genetic abnormalities 155 vascular 331–2, 333 408
B-cell neoplasms, mature 428 see also thrombocytopenia blood components 408–11
B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia bleeding time 328 complications 406–8
(B-PLL) 241 blood components 408–11 cross-matching 405, 406
B lymphocytes 127, 129 blood count 327 cytomegalovirus 404
antigen receptors 133, 134 haemolytic disease of the transmission prevention 409
spleen 144 newborn 416 error reporting 398
bacterial infections neonates 416 febrile reactions from white cell
allogeneic stem cell thrombophilia screening 370 antibodies 407
transplantation 310 blood disorders, venous thrombosis graft-versus-host disease 408
anaemia 388 369 haematological malignancies
anaemia of chronic disorders blood donation 408 167, 168
390 autologous 410 haemolytic disease of the
blood transfusion 403, 404, 408 blood donors 398, 399 newborn 422
disseminated intravascular blood fi lm 327 haemolytic reactions 406–7
coagulation 388–9 anaemia 28 human plasma preparations
haematological changes 388–90 disseminated intravascular 411–12
haematological malignancies coagulation 357 infections 408
154, 169–70 iron defi ciency 41–2 risk 402–4
leukaemoid reaction 388, 390 thrombophilia screening 370 iron overload 53–4, 55
bancroftian fi lariasis 391, 395 blood flow, activated factor dispersal thalassaemia major 95
bartonellosis 389 325 myelodysplasia 219
basophil(s) 109, 111 blood group(s) 367 non-haemolytic allergic reactions
basophil leucocytosis 121 determination 405 407
basophilia 121 serology techniques 404–5 post-transfusion circulatory
BAX 11, 12 see also ABO blood group; Rh overload 407–8
platelet lifespan 316 system post-transfusion purpura 337,
BCL-2 12 blood group antibodies 398–9, 408
platelet lifespan 316 400, 401–2 post-transfusional iron overload
BCL-2 gene translocation 12 blood loss 95, 408
BCL-2 protein 164 acute 412 pre-transfusion tests 405
BCR gene, CML 192 chronic in iron defi ciency 40, 42 sickle cell anaemia 103