Page 446 - Essential Haematology
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432  /  Index

                    amyloid P  282, 284, 285    anagrelide  210             antithrombin
                    amyloidosis  282, 283, 284  anaplastic large cell lymphoma  258,   defi ciency  366–7, 418
                     classifi cation  283              259, 270              neonates  418
                    anaemia  25–9, 30–1, 32     anaplastic lymphoma kinase  270  antithymocyte globulin  293
                     age  25                    androgens, aplastic anaemia  293  aplastic anaemia  289–94
                     ALL  224                   angiodysplasia  45           causes  289
                     bacterial infections  388  anisocytosis  29             clinical features  292
                     blood fi lm  28            ankyrin  22, 24              congenital  289–90
                     bone marrow examination  28–9  anti-β 2 -GPI antibodies,   diagnosis  292–3
                     classifi cation  26–9             thrombophilia screening    Fanconi-type  289, 290
                     clinical features  25–6           370                   idiopathic acquired  292
                     CLL  236, 237              anti-D antibody  399, 402, 419  laboratory fi ndings  292
                     congestive heart failure  387  sensitization  419, 420  pathogenesis  289
                     erythropoiesis             antibiotics                  secondary  292
                       assessment  29, 32        cytotoxic in haematological   treatment  293–4, 302
                       ineff ective  29                malignancies  174, 176  viral hepatitis  387–8
                     erythropoietin levels  19   haematological malignancies    apoptosis  11–13
                     haemolytic disease of the         169, 170             argatroban  376
                           newborn  422         anticardiolipin antibodies  370  arsine poisoning, haemolytic
                     HIV infection  391         anticoagulant drugs, venous        anaemia  86
                     hypochromic  34–49                thrombosis  371–6, 377  arterial thrombosis  363–4
                     hypothyroidism  388        anticoagulant pathways,      antithrombin defi ciency  367
                     laboratory fi ndings  26–9        infl ammation  369    risk factors  363–4
                     malignancy  382, 384       antiemetic therapy with     Aspergillus, allogeneic stem cell
                     multiple myeloma  277, 281        chemotherapy  168           transplantation  308
                     myelodysplasia  217        antifolate drugs  71        Aspergillus fumigatus, haematological
                     neonates  416, 417, 418    antifungal drugs  171              malignancies  171, 172
                     non-Hodgkin lymphoma  257  antigen presentation, macrophages    aspirin
                     physiological of pregnancy  414   114                   defective platelet function  341
                     red cells                  antigen presenting cells (APCs)    polycythaemia vera  207
                       inclusions  30                  133, 135              venous thrombosis  378, 379
                       shape/size variation  29  antigen–receptor gene arrangements    atherosclerosis  363
                     renal failure  385–7              131–2, 133           ATRA syndrome  183
                     severity  25               antiglobulin test  404–5    ATRA therapy for AML  183, 186
                     signs  25–6                 see also direct antiglobulin test   atrophic gastritis  41
                     speed of onset  25                (DAT)                 parenteral iron  45
                     symptoms  25               antihuman globulin (AHG)  404, 405  vitamin B 12 defi ciency  64
                     thalassaemia major  95     antilymphocyte globulin, aplastic   autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
                     viral infections  390             anaemia  293                (AIHA)  82–4, 138
                     see also iron defi ciency anaemia;   antimetabolites, haematological   CLL  237
                           named conditions            malignancies  173, 174,   Mycoplasma pneumoniae  389
                    anaemia of chronic disorders  46–7,   176                systemic lupus erythematosus
                           382                  antiphospholipid syndrome  369–70  385
                     bacterial infections  390  antiplatelet drugs          autoimmune thrombocytopenic
                     malaria  391                defective platelet function  341–2  purpura  138, 334–7
                     rheumatoid arthritis  385   disseminated intravascular   clinical features  335
                     systemic lupus erythematosus  385  coagulation  358     diagnosis  336, 337, 342–3
                    anaemia of prematurity  418  venous thrombosis  378–9    pathogenesis  335
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