Page 464 - Essential Haematology
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450  /  Index

                    Salmonella osteomyelitis, sickle cell   sinus histiocytosis with massive   hereditary spherocytosis  79
                           anaemia  102, 103           lymphadenopathy  122  indications  147, 148
                    schistosomiasis  391        skeletal congenital defects, Fanconi’s   malaria severity  148
                    Schwachman–Diamond syndrome        anaemia  289, 290     platelet counts  148
                           292, 295             skin                         primary myelofi brosis  211
                    scurvy  332                  acute pattern graft-versus-host   pyruvate kinase defi ciency  82
                    SD gene mutations  292, 295        disease  306, 307     splenic marginal zone lymphoma
                    selectins  13                antiphospholipid syndrome  370    265
                    senile purpura  332          cutaneous Hodgkin lymphoma    thrombocytosis  369
                    serine protease                    246                   warm autoimmune haemolytic
                     activity  320, 322          mycosis fungoides  270            anaemia  83
                     inactivation  325           non-Hodgkin lymphoma  257  splenic marginal zone lymphoma
                    serum amyloid P (SAP) scan  284,   Sézary syndrome  270        265
                           285                   vascular bleeding disorders    splenic pooling, increase in
                    severe combined immunodefi ciency   331–2                      thrombocytopenia  339,
                           (SCID)  139          skull, thalassaemia major  95, 96  340
                    Sézary syndrome  257, 270   small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL)    splenomegaly  144–6
                    Shigella, haemolytic uraemic       235, 261              causes  147
                           syndrome  338        solitary plasmacytoma  281–2  CLL  236
                    sickle cell anaemia  91, 99–100,   South-East Asian ovalocytosis  79  Felty’s syndrome  385
                           101, 102–4           spectrin  22                 Hodgkin lymphoma  246
                     aplastic crises  100       spina bifi da  66, 67        platelet content  316
                     clinical features  100–2, 101, 102  folic acid prophylaxis  71  polycythaemia vera  205
                     crisis treatment  102–3    spine, multiple myeloma  274, 275  splenic marginal zone lymphoma
                     haemolytic crises  101     spingomyelinase defi ciency  125   265
                     Hb electrophoretic pattern  97  spleen                  splenic pooling in
                     homozygous disease  100, 101,   anatomy  143                  thrombocytopenia  339,
                           102–4                 circulation  143                  340
                     laboratory fi ndings  102, 104  extramedullary haemopoiesis  144  tropical  144–6, 391
                     molecular pathology  100    fetal haemopoiesis  2      Staphylococcus epidermidis  169, 170
                     red cell aplasia  295       functions  143–4           stem cell(s)  2–3
                     treatment  102–4            hypersplenism  146          aplastic anaemia  289, 290
                     vaso-occlusive crises  100, 101  imaging  144, 145, 146  bone marrow collection  300
                     venous thrombosis  369      immune function  144        collection  230, 298, 299
                     visceral sequestration crises  100  lyphoid tissue  143, 144  conditioning  300–1
                    sickle cell/C disease  104   non-Hodgkin lymphoma  257   donor leucocyte infusions  301
                    sickle cell trait  104       periarteriolar lymphatic sheath    embryonic  5
                    sickle haemoglobin (Hb S)  21, 104  143                  homing  5
                    sideroblastic anaemia  47–8  platelet content  316       mesenchymal  4–5
                    sideroblasts, ring  47       sickle cell anaemia  101–2  mobilization  5
                    siderotic granules  30, 144  thalassaemia major  95      myoablative conditioning  301
                    signal transducer and activator of   see also hypersplenism  non-myoablative conditioning
                           transcription (STAT)   splenectomy                      301
                           family of transcription   autoimmune neutropenia  120  peripheral blood  230, 298, 299
                           factors  8, 9, 10     autoimmune thrombocytopenic   pluripotent  5–6, 8
                    signal transduction inhibitors,    purpura  336          processing  300, 301
                           haematological        CLL  241                    self-renewal  6
                           malignancies  175, 176  hereditary elliptocytosis  79  capacity  3, 4
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